Congratulations go to John and Scott, who successfully identified yesterday’s sidewalk photo. The photo was in fact taken on Atwood Street at Bradley Street in the St. Joseph neighborhood just north of Eastern Parkway. Today’s photo is likely going to be a challenging one. Any guesses?
Meanwhile on the Azalea’s front, the mainstream press is still mum on the story. WLKY was the only source to mention the fire at all over the weekend. A couple tipsters wrote in with rumors about the fire, but there’s been no verified story yet. We’ll let you know when we can confirm something.
Well, looks like today is overwhelmed with transportation news…
- Mayor’s ‘Go Green’ initiative a finalist for national award (Fat Lip)
- Is the METCO Qdoba loan really helping small business? (VV Eats)
- Remember Qdoba is opening a new franchise Downtown (Broken Sidewalk)
- 2 new coffee shops to open in New Albany and other updates (NA Confidential)
- Metro Parks receives five proposals for operating Otter Creek Park (C-J)
- MSD fixes broken pump, 600,000 gallons of sewage spilled (C-J)
- Home sales in U.S. up 11%, biggest increase since 2000 (Bloomberg)
- On the transforming nature of ‘street-corner art’ (NY Times via Archinect)
- Documenting how I-71 has created sprawl, destroyed farmland in 40 years (C-J)
- Public transit is saving U.S. 646 million hours travel time a year (Planetsave via PPS)
- How can we harvest clean energy from our roadways? (NY Times via P-zen)
- Ideas to fund budget shortfalls while internalizing pollution externalities (GG Wash)
- Texting while driving is really, really dangerous (NY Times)
- Should car adverts have health warnings telling of the dangers of driving? (Copenhagenize)
- What if parking lots were transformed into ‘solar forests?’ (Inhabitat)
- Dallas light rail could bring $4 Billion in economic activity in 5 years (NRDC Switchboard)
- Breaking down the cost-benefit analysis of High Speed Rail (Economix)
- NYC plans comprehensive ‘bicycle access bill’ to promote ridership (StreetsBlog)
- What’s an equitable method of distributing Federal highway funds? (transport politic)
- Vandals in Amsterdam tossing Smart cars into canals (BuzzFeed via Infrastructurist)
Is this sidewalk on Spring Street?
Thats Belmar Ave.
This looks like over by Audobon park golf course.. Belmar maybe?