The last sidewalk photo from Thursday last week was correctly identified by Paul Kuhl as Wallace Avenue in St. Matthews. He went above and beyond to point out that the photo was taken on the 600 block. Well done. Here’s a new sidewalk photo. Post your guesses in the comments.
Local News
- Wayside hopes to open their new Broadway shelter by winter (Fox 41)
- More conventions heading to town because of the new arena (Biz First)
- Arena Authority seeks public comment on traffic study (WFPL)
- Spending locally makes local dollars go further in down economy (NA Confidential)
- After going to Baltimore, the city’s ‘non-audit’ of Cordish proves nothing (Ville-Voice)
- And city officials don’t know how complete or accurate the numbers were (C-J)
- Boston management company of Park DuValle mar neighborhood’s future (C-J)
- Metro Council appoints committee to look into the Great Flash Flood of 2009 (C-J)
- And a group in New Albany wants to hold the city responsible for flooding (N & T)
- First Nulu-East Market Festival set for September 26 (EMD)
- Newburg Branch Library officially dedicated (C-J)
- Breckinridge-Franklin Elementary teachers build bikes for students (C-J)
- City makes three bike lockers available for free in the Medical Center (C-J)
- A call for more civil cyclist-driver roads after murder of Triathlete (C-J)
- How urbanist Jane Jacobs took on highway-builder Robert Moses (The Edit)
- A pro-8664 response to a C-J editorial that was never printed (Lou H & I)
- You’ve heard of Critical Mass, but Vancouver now has Critical Manners (PPS)
- Can child-shaped bollards reduce neighborhood speeding? (How We Drive)
- A roundup of many High Speed Rail & transit links from across the nation (Urbanophile)
- Could oil actually be headed cheaper than we’ve seen in decades? (Infrastructurist)
- Study: 80% of crosswalk ped-vs-car collisions the driver’s fault (Sac Bee via How We Drive)
What do you expect from a side walk out in the middle of no where that no one walks on and flys buy at 60 miles and hour!