Congratulations to D Jason Crowder and SushiK for correctly identifying Monday’s sidewalk photo as East Jefferson Street between Preston and Floyd Streets. Here’s another installment of our sidewalk identification challenge. And then, of course, here’s the news.
Local News
- Jeffersonville canal district expected to draw tourists downtown (Architect’s Newspaper)
- Event to explore possibility of food coop in downtown New Albany (NA Confidential)
- Affordable ‘recycled’ neighborhood in New Albany faces major troubles (Wave 3)
- Cali. turbine company could be moving to New Albany to make urban windmills (C-J)
- Public hearing tomorrow about funds for affordable housing (C-J)
- Shively selling commemorative bricks to pay for benches, flowering trees (C-J)
- ‘Peace mural’ planned for wall of Bardstown Road’s Amazing Grace grocery (lou.com)
- Rumors help to fuel optimism about Ford’s Lou Assembly Plant (C-J)
- More on Jeffersontown’s branding and wayfinding campaign (C-J)
- Affordable housing group voices Sheppard Square redev. concerns (LEO, C-J, Fox 41)
- MSD considering relocating flood prone residents, creating ‘green space’ (Fox 41)
- Local home prices rising, but consumer confidence challenges market (Lou Homes)
- Federal funds approved to help with Louisville & Southern Indiana projects (C-J)
- Louisville Sustainability Forum planned for November 4 (Lou Green Guide)
- More on why 21C and Proof on Main are so great (ABC News via Blog Proof)
- Flickr photos of the day here and here and here.
- River Fields’ legal battles have delayed Harrods Creek Bridge by months (WFPL)
- New sidewalk paver generates electricity from people walking on it (Inhabitat)
- Feds to boost streetcars across nation, beginning in Portland (OR) (NY Times via Twitter)
- Investing in improved sidewalks, streetscapes a boon for cities (Dispatch via Twitter)
- Complete streets in St. Louis have proven a great success (AN, Wired via Twitter)
- High Speed Rail could create millions of jobs, transform U.S. economy (Dirt via Twitter)
Everything Else
- KFC marketing campaign infiltrates UN buildings, spurs investigation (Unusual KY)
- Catch up on urban farming from the Diane Rehm show (The Edit)
- Obama plans Billions in investment for U.S. smart grid (Grist, GOOD, Avenue, T-H)
- Does junk food bring about the same addictive qualities as heroin? (Grist)
- Have some brush to clear? A goat may be the quickest, easiest option (GOOD)
Clay and East Washington, two doors North of the Animal Hospital.
Clay street north of Washington
Hitting very close to home. I live on Franklin Street, which is the next cross-street after the brick builidng on the right in the picture.