Transportation Issues
- If TARC can’t get $150k for study, commuter rail is history (WFPL)
- Considering auto bail-outs and a national commonwealth (Urbanophile)
- Volvo may be on Ford’s economic chopping block (C-J)
- Shock to trance: problems with driving less (WSJ via Planetizen)
- Much-ado-about-nothing on police take home cars? (Ville-Voice)
- City ready for overkill road salt treatments (C-J)
Development & Real Estate
- $40M in New Market Tax Credits arrive for Louisville projects (Business First)
- Big Box Reuse author at The Green Building Friday (Consuming Lou)
Local News
- LG & E seeking reimbursement for $35M in windstorm damages (WHAS 11)
- Douglass Hills mayor posts resignation (C-J)
- (Not-so) happy birthday recession, you’re one year old (AP / Crain’s)
- Mazzoni’s survived Great Depression but not the current recession (C-J)
- City slices and dices metro service funding (Metro Lou)
- Some think jobs may pick up next year (Business First)
It's ironic that the green building plaque is placed in front of a wall that has been tooled. It's a longshot that it's lime putty and river sand like it should be. And even if it is, striking a joint sinks the aggregate and floats the binder to the front. Many of the benefits of the lime putty mortar would have been lost by striking like that.
I wish these people caught up in the greenwashing would focus less on short term energy efficiency and gizmos, and instead think about the longevity and repairability of the building as the ultimate means to sustainability. It has been shown that most load-bearing masonry buildings are capable of operating at the same rate of energy consumption as a new building with the minimum level Leed certification.