Well, this week’s shaping up to be quite a news frenzy. We’re going to stay out of the political arena for now, as everyone is, by now, probably bombarded from every media outlet on what’s happening with local political races. It looks like this will be quite an interesting election for the future of Louisville.
- 16 companies in the running for arena naming rights (C-J)
- And many more local sponsors have shown interest (Ville-Voice)
- But no deal has yet been signed to name the arena (Biz First)
Local News
- BOZA says that homeless shelters will have special zoning regulation (Ville-Voice)
- Which is bad new for Wayside’s proposed 2nd & Broadway shelter site (C-J)
- Jeffersonville looks to fix up its most historic housing stock (C-J)
- Jeffersonville could move from a third- to a second-class city (N & T)
- Is the state of Kentucky hurting Louisville’s reputation? (Edit)
- Some great photos of Jeffersonville, Indiana (a pretty pickle)
- Peddler’s in Shively upset over business license fees (Fox 41)
- Louisville’s Whitney Hall knows how to get the tickets sold (Biz First)
- Site of mixed-use development near Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium to be parking (C-J)
- Which we guessed back when the site was being cleared (Broken Sidewalk)
- Tell our Metro Council to listen before building a boondoggle (8664.org)
- Sidewalk project in Jeffersonville stalls, legal fee dispute lingers (N & T)
- How transportation reform equates health reform (StreetsBlog)
- Why are bike’s perceived as slowing down traffic so much? (StreetsBlog)
- Westport Rd.-264 interchange to be done by next May (Fox 41)
- An update on High Speed Rail, announcements expected this fall (GOOD)
- In Germany, a 259-car pile-up on the autobahn (scroll down) (Infrastructurist)
Everything Else
- When a warning goes to far: over-zealous protective fencing (Creative Review)
- Amid housing downturn, smart growth neighborhoods remain strong (NRDC Switchboard)
- Cities increasingly going green but missing important opportunities (Grist)
- Suburbs becoming increasingly urban across the country (USA Today via P-zen)
- Taking a closer look at the hype and reality of Walmart’s sustainability index (World Changing)
- Clean up your house’s historic hardware on the stove (Rec. Home via Brownstoner)
- Violent crimes down drastically in major cities across the U.S. (WaPo via P-zen)
- Why has so much of the Federal stimulus money gone literally to pork? (GOOD)
- And where stimulus money has gone in Louisville (Edit)