Transportation Issues
- TARC bus runs through fence, house, and two walls near Chestnut Street (C-J)
- Luxury commuter buses try to get ‘high-end’ travelers our of cars (TreeHugger)
- As we drive less, tolls less effective for paying for highways (Goldiron via Overhead Wire)
- Study: Driving in traffic may trigger heart attacks (Science Daily via Boing Boing)
- And air pollution and road rage may be to blame (MSNBC via Overhead Wire)
Local News
- Carmichael’s Bookstore named national Bookseller of the Year (Consuming Lou)
- Arena site is on schedule for 2010 opening, 10% of the work is done (C-J)
- Adaptive reuse in New Albany is a mark of downtown progress (Our History NA)
- New Albany church plans to rebuild windstorm damaged carriage house (N & T)
- More on K. Norman Berry’s selection as local architect on Speed Museum (C-J)
- Economy blamed for reduction in realtor numbers in Louisville (C-J)
- Jeffersonville makes appearance in indie film ‘Clancy’ (N & T)
Sustainability & Environment
- New eco-store ‘Sustain’ to open in Vogue Center in St. Matthews (C-J)
- And plans a grand March 21 opening (Louisville.com)
- Sustain wants you to live more sustainably (Official Site)
- Is real sustainability buying better new items or reusing old? (Valley Report)
- Kentucky among the “Filthy Fifteen” Fly-Ash producing states (TreeHugger)
- ‘The great American drilling boom is over’ (NY Times)
Everything Else
- Recycling and weeding out the suburban sprawl of pre-recession America (TIME)
- John Frece to lead Smart Growth Office at EPA (Smart Growth America via Planetizen)
- More on how the stimulus bill is good for cities (Next American City via Planetizen)