![bs_37 (Branden Klayko / Broken Sidewalk)](http://brokensidewalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/bs_37.jpg)
- Quills Coffee could open Saturday in new Baxter Avenue location (Consuming Lou)
- 100 large flower pots will soon line Main and Fourth Street (C-J)
- You can’t park on your front lawn in Shively any longer (C-J)
- Highlands church chiller issue getting heated again (C-J)
- Fundraising to begin to revamp Central Park tennis courts (C-J)
- Swift plant in Butchertown stinks… all the time (C-J)
- Jeffersonville to host WWII boat this summer (N & T)
- Fixing City Hall’s broken clock could cost less than $2,000 (FatLip)
- Art gallery opening at City Hall (Ville-Voice, FatLip, WFPL)
- Streets can be fixed, and they should be made livable (GOOD via P-zen)