Another successfully identified sidewalk, this time by Melody who recognized the view on Hickory Street in Germantown. Know this sidewalk? Reveal it in the comments.
Also, Broken Sidewalkers, did you know that the interaction spurred by sites like Broken Sidewalk makes you smarter? A University of Washington professor has shown that interacting with social media increases brain activity:
Studies on infant brains have shown that knowledge retention is only possible when accompanied with personal interaction or activity, but this becomes even more important as people get older. Adults must be socially stimulated to learn.
We always knew you were a smart bunch. (WSJ via twitter / @WebsterLou)
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- Tolls will reduce traffic demand, so why build so much? (CART)
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- Hosparus building two new structures in St. Matthews (C-J)
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- Wick’s Pizza pushes New Albany opening back to fall (N & T)
- Green roofs remain popular and how government can help (World Changing)
- How the skyscraper is going green internationally (World Changing)
- CDC supports complete streets initiative for public health (Complete Streets)
- Student artwork to be painted on TARC bus (Fox 41)
- Kansas City looking to build downtown streetcar system (KC Light Rail)
- U.S. transportation policy still ‘stuck in highway mode’ (transport politic)
- Designer proposes putting delivery trucks underground (GOOD)
Barber shop theme, eh? Douglass Loop.
yep, can almost see leroy at the first chair…
That was an easy one. Very distinctive ped infrastructure at Douglass Loop. Also got a clue from the blue “Loop” sign in the background!