Thanks to SushiK, Jonas, and Jason for correctly identifying Thursday’s Sidewalk Photo as Frankfort Avenue in front of the Blue Dog Bakery in the Crescent Hill neighborhood. Here’s a new sidewalk photo to start off the week. Tell us where it is in the comments.
Also, here’s a quote from an Edmonton, Canada transportation official getting to the point that transportation is about more than getting around (via Overhead Wire): “The LRT [Light Rail Transit] is not just about moving people,” says Bob Boutilier, the general manager of the city’s transportation department. “It’s about building a city.”
Local News
- SoBro’s Global Foods Market offers exotic foods from around the world (C-J)
- Mockingbird Valley condos could open early next year (C-J)
- Cherokee Triangle resident advocating an ‘eco-neighborhood’ concept (C-J)
- Cabbage Patch Settlement House expansion to open in ‘a few weeks’ (C-J)
- Shively City Hall to showcase photographs of the neighborhood’s past (C-J)
- Attendance at St. James Art Fair declines in 2009 (C-J)
- And more on official and unofficial art fair news (Streetsweeper, C-J, LEO, C-J, Fat Lip)
- New Albany’s Harvest Homecoming sees a revitalized downtown (C-J)
- And Russell’s Heritage Center is back in the news (C-J, C-J Editorial, Ville-Voice)
- What do Kentuckians see as the most pressing environmental issues? (Page One)
- Cyclist killed by motorist on Poplar Level Road at Bishop Lane (C-J, C-J again)
- Local activist goes on ‘car-free-experiment’ cold-turkey (Pedalaround via CART)
- Brushing up on cycling signals at turns and stops (Road Rights)
- Study: Female cyclists indicate the favorable conditions for cyclists (GOOD)
- River Fields denied injunction to halt Harrods Creek Bridge (The Edit, 8664, C-J)
- Hybrid Electric vehicles’ silence can be dangerous for pedestrians (Sidewalk Starts)
Everything Else
- An in-depth look at America’s sense of community & the way we live (Design Observer)
- Taking a look at the state of Midwestern economies (Lou included) (Urbanophile)
- It may be expensive now, but imagine a light bulb lasting 25-years (Inhabitat)
- Preservation: 1960s architecture about to be considered ‘historic’ (LA Times via P-zen)
Everett at Longest.
Willow, almost to Longest. Just out of sight on the left is the house where I met my wife. It belonged to Prof. E.R. Hagemann at UL. A mutual friend of my wife and me was house-sitting there, had us over and introduced us.