Another successful sidewalk identification. Commenter Talkfan pointed out that Friday’s sidewalk photo was taken on Illinois Avenue at Audubon Plaza Drive. Well done. Anyway, here’s another sidewalk for you; identify its location in the comments. Also, noticing that more and more news is coming from Twitter. We’ll forward interesting local and national articles as we find them on the tweetscape.
Local News
- Jeffersonville committee to study how to make the city sustainable (N & T)
- Metro Lou takes its time to respond to Swift complain, doubts claims (Ville-Voice)
- Officials visit Cordish HQ, will report on 4th Street Live spending soon (Ville-Voice)
- Kentucky AG office close to statement on Mayor’s aid to developers (C-J)
- Renovated 39th Street community center named to honor Rev. Louis Coleman (C-J)
- Two large church conventions scheduled for the new arena (Ville-Voice)
- That will have a projected $10 million economic benefit to the area (C-J)
- Jeffersontown hires agency to study its branding & wayfinding (Ville-Voice)
- Kentucky Derby Museum starts blog to cover flood recovery (KDF via @gotolouisville)
- Library flood recovery effort gets a national boost (Boing Boing via @possibilitycity)
- Waverly Hills Sanatorium launches their own web site, too (WHS via @gotolouisville)
Sustainability & Agriculture
- Berkeley mayor challenges U.S. mayors to ‘go green’ (L.A. Times via @OtisWhite)
- Kentucky a leader in ‘pre-fab’ housing, but is it a good thing sustainably? (TreeHugger)
- Amid recession, local agriculture movement gains popularity (Boston Globe)
- Obama’s Urban Affairs Director hopes to fix urban ‘food deserts’ (Smart Growth)
- Study details relationship between residential density & driving habits (World Changing)
- Riding a bike one of the best ways to help deal with stress (Bike Radar via @streetsblog)
- Bike commuting nationwide rose 37.6% between 2003 and 2007 (GOOD)
- Spain opens 850M tunnel just for bikes, the world’s longest (Copenhagenize)
- High Speed Rail in Spain & how it changes transportation culture (Guardian via P-zen)
- And more on HSR from the Lexington Streetsweeper here and here.
Everything Else
- What if all of New York’s transit riders drove to work instead? (StreetsBlog)
- The U.S. economy has changed substantially over the past decade (Atlantic)
- Suburban office parks provide opportunity for new ‘urban villages’ (Cool Town)
- Amazing ‘living bridges’ in India made from tree roots (Living Root Bridges via Archinect)