Another winner! Monday’s sidewalk photo was correctly identified by readers Bill Robinson and Justin Ton who felt an especially local affinity for the street. The photo was taken on Schiller Avenue looking north at Beargrass Creek. Here’s a new photo. Guesses in the comments.
Local News
- Another rant about the Cordish confidentiality agreement (Culture Maven)
- Gov. Beshear declares September ‘Bourbon Heritage Month’ (kentucky.gov)
- Bake sale raises $1000 for Library Recovery Fund (Consuming Louisville)
- New Albany campaign battles negativity with ‘Yes’ street signs (NA Confidential)
- Waxing poetic about Louisville’s Olmsted park system (T & L via @loumetroparks)
- Don’t forget to walk like a zombie on Bardstown Road this Saturday (37 Flood)
- TARC opens an express bus line and no one shows up (The Edit)
- TARC buying paratransit buses with additional stimulus funds (Biz First)
- What does David Byrne think of cycling in various cities? (Cyc-Sol via SB-net)
- Turning an anti-High Speed Rail rant on its head about highways (STL Workshop)
- Interesting maps of the subways of the world at the same scale (Fake is the new Real)
- How life will change as gas becomes really expensive (C-J / WaPo)
- Cash for Clunkers and expensive way to ‘green’ cars transport (UC Davis)
- And more about the program over here (World Changing)
Everything Else
- NPR is taking a look at all 10,466 ‘Main Streets’ across the nation (MMS via @OtisWhite)
- All it takes is a big sporting event to bury power lines in Lexington (kentucky.gov)
- Living small: this NYC rowhouse is only 9.5 feet wide (Curbed)
- How much space do you need? And how living small is great for affordability (GOOD)
- How can we design cities as better places to grow old? (Smart Growth Am)
- Shelved architecture projects decreasing, fuels economic optimism (Arch Journal)
- And even more optimism as home sales are up again 9.6% in July (Biz First)
- Kentucky & region are among most ‘stressed’ in America (Creative Class)
- New eco-concrete made of hemp 7x stronger than concrete (Inhabitat)
- Vertical farming back in the news; is it time? (NY Times via Archinect)
Thats West Maglonia Ave.
Seventh Street, at Myrtle and Park, where the other 7th Street turns into the 9th Street Parkway.
Actually, it is just around the corner from 7th Street. That is 7th Street where the Yellow Arrow is pointing.
The sidewalk is actually on Myrtle St. About 674 according to Google Streetview
haha yeah everyone else got to it first, where myrtle turns into 7th by the 7th st bypass or whatever the fuck