Happy World Car Free Day. What are your stories for the day? Did you give up your car? Do you always go car free? Did you think about it? Did you know today was a car free day? Perhaps you saw the “zany” folks from CART cheering on cyclists, bus riders, and pedestrians on Frankfort Avenue at the railroad tracks? Tell your story or your resolution for next year in the comments.
Friday’s sidewalk photo identification brings with it a sort of moral quandary (however small). Congrats to John who located the sidewalk on Chichester looking towards Bonnycastle Avenue in the Bonnycastle neighborhood. He wonders, though, how Google maps affects the challenge of knowing a particular street name or location. What do you think… is it cheating or just going the extra mile? Here’s a new photo for your guesses.
Local News
- How Breaking New Grounds program is helping Lou’s ‘food deserts’ (YouTube via Twitter)
- U of L’s Belknap Oval on Third Street officially opens (WFPL, Broken Sidewalk archive)
- Metro Parks to discuss latest plans for Tyler Park & Hogan’s Fountain Oct. 6 (C-J)
- Louisville Historical League to release book on 100 years at Audubon CC (C-J)
- La Bodega tapas bar to reopen Oct. 2 after post-fire renovations (VV Eats, louisville.com)
- Wick’s Pizza New Albany renovations described, to open Oct. 7 (NA Confidential)
- The Rudyard Kipling turns 25, celebration planned (Backseat Sandbar)
- Syracuse considering tearing down elevated I-81 downtown (Architect’s Paper)
- 8664 stance on EE tunnel misquoted in Courier-Journal coverage (8664.org)
- David Byrne’s Bicycle Diaries book about more than mobility (Inhabitat)
- A tale of two cities in bike-car crash coverage and punishment (Barry’s Bike Blog)
- Electric cars at the Frankfurt Auto Show getting a lot of attention (TreeHugger)
- Video shows just how far car-on-car safety has come in 50 years (How We Drive)
- Should we stop calling ‘predictable, preventable crashes’ accidents? (How We Drive)
Everything Else
- Death of landmark living wall causes some to question their sustainability (Arch Paper)
- Concrete made with plastic aggregate could be better than plastic recycling (Inhabitat)
- Suburbs considering how to become more livable, walkable (WSJ, Infrastructurist)
- Moody’s says trouble ahead for public university financial models (World Bank via Twitter)
- Urbanist Christopher Alexander wins Vincent Scully Prize (Bustler)
Kenilworth near Bardstown Rd.
Sherrin, almost to Shelbyville Rd… Burger King to the left, Trinity across the street…?
I’m going to agree with Ken. The lack of a curb and gutter, the presence of a yellow fire hydrant and the pitch of the roofs on the houses in the background suggest St. Matthews, while the color of the brick used for the bulding further in the background on the far left matches that used for at Trinity.
Actually, I walk this way (on the opposite sidewalk) every day near the end of my four-mile walk. If I can’t get this right, I’m really hurting. (Although, to be honest, I double-checked on Google to make sure that column IS at the corner of Shelbyville and Sherrin)
Brown Avenue at Shelbyville Road.
Ok, don’t credit me with the answer – it is Sherrin. I had to drive down that street a few minutes ago. Brown Avenue is one block over and across the street.