It seems everyone loves Jerry Lotz’s collection of everything and anything from Thursday’s sidewalk photo on William Street at Frankfort Avenue in the Clifton neighborhood. Congratulations to Ken Wilson, Crgabe, Jeff Noble, john, and David Barhorst. Check out the discussion for links to photos of the collection including the peacenik Nixon Statue of Liberty. Here’s a historic sidewalk view from nearly a century ago ready to be identified in the comments.
Local News
- Clarksville considering storefront-improvement program on Eastern Boulevard (N & T)
- Green Building Gallery shows work in beautifully decrepit 720 Building (GB Gallery)
- U of L seeks to rezone ShelbyHurst for research and office park (C-J)
- Group ranks Louisville water quality #22 in nation (Biz First)
- Really? Who steals a flood wall? (C-J, N & T)
- Arena lands four more sponsors (WFPL, Biz First, Fox 41)
- Five more weeks for The Church on East Main Street (Twitter)
- More on Wayside’s hotel endeavors (Fox 41, Fox 41 again)
- Keep your cleats off Waterfront Park’s Great Lawn (C-J)
Local Economy
- Tax incentives for 13 companies could bring 657 jobs to Lou (Biz First, WFPL, C-J)
- And GE plans 430 jobs in new appliance division (Biz First, Fox 41, WFPL, C-J)
- New RecoverCare corporate headquarters brings 57 jobs (Wave 3)
- Slow transit: Do we really need our buses to stop every tenth of a mile? (CART)
- Transit service to Louisville’s airport is apparently terrible (Xing Columbus via Twitter)
- Video: Square wheeled tricycles are just bizarre (F Gas)
- Highway & transit investment go hand in hand (8664.org)
- The out-of-towners like our bike racks and bike share stations (Twitter & Twitter)
- Only in Portland: proposal to turn Interstate into a bikeway (Bike Portland)
- Proposed anti-idling law back in the news (C-J, C-J again)
- Diagram: the perfect parallel parking job (How We Drive)
- This is not a problem: cars shouldn’t be in the landscaping anyway (Mojo)
- Bike Crash: cars need to stop at the stop signs (Lunch Time Cycling)
- New service lists mobile and web apps in Louisville, other cities (City-go-Round)
- Study shows flying through an electric storm isn’t so good for you (TreeHugger)
- Beautiful airport architecture from around the world (Flavorpill via Twitter)
Everything Else
- Would you ever consider renting a Christmas tree? (Apartment Therapy)
- Infographic: Bottled water is really, really bad (Fast Company via Twitter)
- Interesting video of the Manhattan Bridge swaying with subway cars (Brownstoner)
- Lexington considers ‘granny flat’ ordinance to increase density, living options (Biz Lex)
- The good and bad of attracting knowledge workers to your city (Tech City via Twitter)
- 500 homes in Helsinki to be heated by underground server farm (Gizmodo)
- Cordish betting on horse tracks, bids on Pimlico (Biz First)
- Is a house a home or an investment? (Economist)
- Kentucky colleges among hardest hit in the country (GOOD)
- Kentucky Capitol rotunda is going to look great after the renovations (Page One, KY.gov)
- Fun with building demolition: jenga tower topples (FFFFound)
- Gallery of abandoned & decaying shopping malls (Morning News via Boing Boing)
- 21c a trend setter? New art-hotel opens in Australia (Luxist)
- On Mega-Regions and the Middle West (Urbanophile)
- And a few flickr photos of the day here and here and here and here.
Two guesses – and they are purely guesses.
I see terraced front yards and wide sidewalks – and a street car on a narrower cross street.
I think First Street. There are some federal style house left on the west side between Oak and Ormsby like the one at the forefront. But the sidewalks are too wide in the picture for that.
My other guess, then, based on the sidewalks, is Third Street in the same area.
The Tech City article on ‘knowledge workers’ raises some questions we should be asking: Are we are doing the right things to get where we want to go… but more importantly, Where DO we want to go? What is that vision. That article had me wandering around and I ended up at a year and half old article on Urbanophile.
It’s the most thoughtful, objective read I’ve seen of Louisville. I wonder a little if he would be more sanguine about the moves downtown if he saw what the arena is reaping and what NuLu is doing… but that is not the really important thing. What he says about class and race divisions and education is something almost NEVER seriously addressed. I honestly believe we are a more tolerant, open place than Rochester, where I lived, but that the geographical and economic separation of the West End, the high number of kids in parochial schools, and the cliquishness of the city do damage to us. And we DO NOT TALK ABOUT IT.
These things are as important as architecture or sustainability.
Not to toot my own horn, but here’s a tiny thing I’m doing to bring something to a neglected part of the community:
Third and Magnolia or Third and Hill. The other possibility is that we can’t easily identify the buildings because the structures were demolished for the I-65 X-way. Many structures bit the dust when Old Louisville was bisected in that misguided move.
My guess is 6th St at Floral Terrace looking north.
Hmmmm. I have an old postcard with the same scene, but slightly different coloration. It doesn’t reveal the location, and instead is titled, “A Pretty Residence Section, near Cherokee Park, Louisville, Ky.”
So… I’m going to guess it’s Cherokee Road.