Congrats to Ken Wilson for identifying Monday’s sidewalk photo as Willow Avenue at Longest Avenue in the Cherokee Triangle neighborhood. Here’s a new sidewalk for you ready for guesses in the comments.
Local News
- As residential options rise, U of L is less of a commuter school (C-J)
- Jeffersonville neighbors upset when golf club kills healthy shade tree (N & T)
- Battle brewing over early morning lights on a popular walking course (Whas11)
- More info about the doomed Hicks House off Dixie Highway (Valley Report)
- Brown-Forman named third ‘greenest’ beverage company (Biz First via Twitter)
- Haunted Hotel among nation’s top 25 scary destinations (Wlky via Ville-Voice)
- Abramson having trouble finding qualified people for ORBP authority (WFPL)
- Bill Lamb attacks River Fields over anti-East End Bridge stance (Fox 41)
- Web site set up to aid with public input on Prospect bike lanes (PTS via C-J)
- DOT Sec. LaHood: transit ‘absolutely critical’ to our cities’ success (Fast Lane)
- How do we transform transit into sustainable ‘green transit’? (Via Arch)
- Funds to help synchronize light-timing on suburban arterials (Biz First, Mojo, WFPL)
- Cool video shows how much highways cost as they age (Infrastructurist)
- Some say enforcement is necessary to stop ‘distracted drivers’ (WaPo via Twitter)
- A ‘high speed car ramp’ is one way to create a pedestrian crossing (Bustler)
- Vintage Posters: When you ride alone, you ride with Hitler (TreeHugger)
Everything Else
- Street art in New York fills the cracks in the sidewalks (GOOD)
- How food has physically shaped the cities we live in (TED Talks via Twitter)
- Urban living is ‘green’ living due to the way cities are built (G & M via P-zen)
- Everybody is leaving the suburbs, but where will they go? (Lex Streetsweeper)
- Has our suburban landscape created hyper-homogeneous pods? (Miller-McCune)
- You’ve heard of energy neutral buildings, but now there’s energy positive (Inhabitat)
- This modern shotgun house for NOLA floats away in a flood (Inhabitat)
- Twitter was inspired by cities, transit, & bike messengers (AVC via Twitter of course)
Hillcrest Avenue looking north towards Field Avenue. There aren’t many streets in Louisville that are striped and have only one lane of on-street parking.