Many good guesses for last sidewalk photo, and Jim Patterson was correct in identifying the historic view at Cherokee Road looking north from the top terrace of the Parkview Apartments. The trolley in the background is at the intersection of Cherokee and Longest Avenue. As a special bonus, after the click I have included the postcard view and a modern view of the same scene from sidewalk level. Above is a new sidewalk ready for identification.
Local News
- Gigantic coal ash pond near Louisville approved (Page One, Biz First)
- More commentary about our recent Best Landmark of 2009 contest (V-T)
- Which Metro Council members have a record for playing hookey? (V-T)
- New trees to be planted on Lou’s Olmsted Parkways (Fox 41, Biz First, WFPL)
- Arcadia Apartments to be renovated with historic tax credits (C-J)
- Mayor Abramson talks about the need to support libraries (C-J)
- Wayside’s white cross on Broadway and other updates (C-J)
- More on City Properties plans for the Glassworks district (C-J)
- Home sales up ‘sharply’ in Louisville (Biz First, Fox 41)
- Yet new construction home sales fell 11% in November (Biz First)
- Jeffersonville ponders 1st Amendment issues of adverti-benches (N & T)
- A photo tour of Sheppard Square before it’s torn down (a pretty pickle)
- Duke to pay over $80M to improve local power plant (C-J, Biz First, Fox 41)
- Arena Authority wants to install some fancy artwork at the new facility (WFPL)
- Upcoming presentation to discuss blogging, journalism, & 1st Amendment (NAC)
- MIT students create a really cool bike wheel (Inhabitat, F Gas)
- Know these common bike crashes & how to avoid them (I Bike PHL)
- Looks like the Lit Up Bike Ride was a great success (CART)
- Considering bikability in West Louisville (CART)
- New cyclocross track at Eva Bandman Park update (F Gas)
- Considering the future of Amtrak in Louisville (CART)
- Americans are still driving less through economy (Yglesias)
- Parking requirements in TOD’s way more than needed (Recon. Am. via P-zen)
- Investing in public transit creates 2x the jobs of roads (Smart Growth Am)
- More on historic commuter rail in New Albany & beyond (NAC)
- Gov. Beshear talks about banning texting while driving (Mojo)
- Toronto launches competition to rethink controversial elevated highway (The Dirt)
Everything Else
- Tips for creating a sustainable residential landscape plan (The Dirt)
- Interest in urban housing up according to AIA survey (Housing Zone via Twitter)
- Times Square: City life abounds after blizzard in the northeast (Chasing Light)
- What land uses are most opposed by Americans this year? (Saint Consulting)
- Using alternative materials like soy flour to build affordably in Syracuse (NYT)
- And a few flickr photos of the day here and here and here.

Goss Avenue, in front of the antique mall (formerly an old cotton mill I believe), looking towards the railroad tracks and the foot of Logan St.
Goss Ave at the antique mall!
It’s about the 900 block of Goss Ave. and the (new) Antique Mall.
Indeed, all are correct: Goss Avenue, northward approaching McHenry. It’s the old book bindery. The cotton mill Talkfan references might be the wool mill on E. Kentucky at Swan.
Easy photo…I myself haven’t been down that part of Goss in a long time, however the KY 864 sign was a complete giveaway.