Congratulations to Porter Stevens and Jeff N Clifton for correctly identifying our last sidewalk view—a special National Preservation Month edition—as West Main Street looking west from Seventh Street toward the Fort Nelson Building. Here’s a new sidewalk view ready for guesses in the comments.
Local News
- Buy Local First Fair set for May 23 at the Water Tower (Consuming Lou)
- Free wine social for ‘up-and-coming leaders’ on May 27 (Leadership Lou)
- Master planning meeting for Petersburg Park set for May 25 (C-J)
- Top of the Hops beer festival set for June 19 at convention center (Biz First)
- 22nd St. Vehicle Emission Testing station now blooms with flowers (C-J)
- New Albany’s bicentennial art project looks really nice (37 Flood, Lou.com, NAC)
- Farming is sexy (and coming to a backyard near you) (LEO)
- And how flocks of chickens are coming to roost in backyard coops (LEO)
- Louisville home sales up 40 percent in April (C-J)
- Course design for the 2013 Cyclocross World Championship underway (F Gas)
- Meet David Warren, safety ambassador for the LDMD (C-J)
- Photos of Bowman Field’s 90th birthday party (Fox 41)
- Scribner Gardens in New Albany gets a face lift (N & T)
- Indiana having trouble finding funds for Big Four Bridge ramp (C-J)
- The Urbanophile makes the case for the 8664.org proposal (Urbanophile)
- From a freeway off-ramp to a farm in San Francisco (GOOD)
- Cincy commits $64 million to build modern streetcar system (Urban Cincy)
- Will real estate developers build out mass transit? (NAC, Infra-ist, Transport Nation)
- Infographic: Our first sustained decline in driving (GOOD)
- Improv Everywhere busts ghosts and budget problems at NY Library (Boing Boing)
- Bureau of Organized Bike Lane Safety keeps cycling clear in New York (NY Times)
- Particulate air pollution scientifically shown to be bad for your heart (Watchdog)
- Some rather nasty notes left on cars, mostly by other caring drivers (Grist)
- Photos of drivers with emotionless expressions in England (How We Drive)
- Modern car computers vulnerable to malicious hacking (Transportationist)
- Growth doesn’t cause congestion, over-reliance on cars does (WaPo)
- Anti-SUV guerilla campaign deploying ‘gas-hole’ magnets (Swiss Miss)
Everything Else
- Virtual street corners unite faraway places (Cool Hunting)
- An interview with Andres Duany: ‘the man who reinvented the city’ (Atlantic)
- Lightweight hybrid spans create a bridge to the future (Architect’s Newspaper)
- Rick Pitino’s Florida summer house for sale at $13.9 million (Card Game)
- Horrific photos of the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster in the Gulf (Big Picture)
- Wendell Berry speaks out against dumping coal ash in Eastern Kentucky (C-J)
- Using branding to create ‘the authentic city’ (Urbanophile)
- Video: Richard Florida talks about cities as idea factories (Atlantic)
- Locals create song to assist with aid in Haiti (Where there’s a world)
- How much does LEED certification cost? (Infrastructurist)
- Amusing although NSFW cartoon of life in a logo-laden world (Trend Land)
- Interesting video on a college dorm window light show from Poland (Open Culture)
- Everybody is loving the art project Narrow Streets LA (Archinect)
- Various thoughts on rural livability (Blueprint America)
- And a few flickr photos of the day here and here and here.
Hycliffe Avenue – near the scene of the Moody murders!
Moody murders, sound exciting!
In retrospect, as an adult, I realize it was actually just a sad manifestation of mental illness. But, as a kid, it made for an interesting departure from the norm for a few days. I wouldn't have written that if it hadn't been so many years since the event. I guess now it's just relegated to the neighborhood folklore of longterm residents and the childhood memories of kids that used to ride their Cannondales down those sidewalks.
So what do folks think of the new proposal for the iron quarter? I would prefer apartments or condos and one hotel to two and it would be great if some of the planned retail could make use of existing ground level space but it doesnt appear to be the plan. I guess the renderings looked nice enough, underground parking is good, and the facades would be saved.
Bauer Avenue
Maybe there was already a post about this and I missed it but as I was driving down Frankfort Ave the other day I noticed that there was nno longer a ‘Free’ sign on the derelict house next to frickled pickles diner…did someone take it off the owner’s hands? Anyone know what the plans for it are?