Well, I’m back in New York after a great trip back to Louisville (which explains the lack of activity recently). Thanks for everyone who came out to the Livable Louisville Forum. I’ll have something online about that soon. There should be more activity coming online from here on out and a few aesthetic changes possibly happening this weekend. Meanwhile, here’s your news. There’s a lot of it but there are some good links buried in there.
Congrats to D Jason Crowder and barturtle for correctly identifying our last sidewalk photo as East Washington Street looking west between Floyd and Brook Streets. Here’s a new photo ready for guesses in the comments.
Local News
- Natural foods market could open in downtown New Albany (NA Confidential)
- Alabama-based restaurant to open in the PNC tower (C-J)
- Drainage problems at Iroquois Park being fixed (Wave 3)
- Breslin Pool demolished, sprayground planned (Mojo)
- Patio at Olivia’s on Goss ready for summer dining (G-town S-burg)
- With surge in development activity, HVAC contractor opens Downtown (Biz First)
- UL School of Dentistry holds topping off ceremony (U of L)
- Future of historic Berrytown school uncertain after fire (C-J)
- New book released on the Louisville tornado of 1890 (Lou.com)
- Crescent Hill reservoir named a historic KHS historic site (Fox 41, Wave 3)
- U-Haul says Kentucky leads nation with rate of in-growth (Biz First)
- Fire destroys downtown New Albany business, building (Fox 41, NAC)
- Fire destroys home in Portland (Fox 41, C-J)
- Mayoral Forum to be broadcast live on WLKY April 10 (Lou H & I)
- South End Mayoral Forum scheduled for April 20 (The Edit)
- Car-Free Happy Hour scheduled for April 20 (F Gas)
- East Urban Neighborhoods Mayoral Forum set for April 12 (Consuming Lou)
- Bon Air neighbors to discuss future of Bardstown corridor April 12 (C-J)
- July’s Forecastle line-up announced (Backseat Sandbar)
- New calendar to list local bike-related events (F Gas)
- Bikes at the Frankfort Avenue Easter Parade (CART, Pedalaround)
- Five things to know about High Speed Rail (Planetizen)
- It’s a good idea not to paint your own bike lane (GOOD)
- Are wider lines on bike lanes safer? (Biking Toronto)
- What’s the difference between light rail and streetcars? (Human Transit)
- Calculator estimates how much you can save by taking transit (Public Transit)
- And what cities save residents the most time with transit? (WSJ)
- California company wants to make sidewalks from carbon emissions (Dirt)
- Study shows Europeans stay within 6-miles of home (Planners Web via P-zen)
- Does Kentucky really need an official sports car? (C-J, Fox 41)
- Kentucky in second place for basketball walkability (Switchboard)
- 20 hybrid UPS delivery trucks planned for Louisville (Biz First)
- About New York’s Sustainable Streets Index (NYDOT)
- Ray LaHood at the National Bike Summit (Fast Lane, NY Times)
- Video: Do sidewalks need a fast lane for quick walkers? (Planetizen)
- New sidewalks in New Albany, Charlestown Road
Everything Else
- Financial Times looks at the future of the city (Rebuilding Place)
- Beware the pitfalls of centralized city planning (Slate)
- Why it’s important for cities to bring in outsiders (Urbanophile)
- Portland has ambitious plan to solve homeless problem (NY Times)
- Rental units for homeless more effective than shelters (Chron via P-zen)
- Foraging for vegetables and more in the urban environment (Boing Boing)
- Strange scenes of an abandoned Los Angeles (Space Invading)
- New group to rank restaurant sustainability (TreeHugger)
- Can fungi clean up our urban environment? (Design Under Sky)
- How the ancient Japanese made their cities sustainable (TreeHugger)
- Target installing recycling centers at stores nationwide (Biz First)
- CBRE study shows economic benefits of sustainability (Sust. Industries)
- Graffiti advertising that only shows up in the rain (Egotist)
- And advertisements pressed into fresh snow (Boing Boing, Inhabitat)
- Video: YMCA says its time to take back community (Egotist)
- Architect says skyscrapers can be green and other observations (WSJ)
- Smart Growth taking hold in American cities (NY Times)
- And an interview with the author of the Smart Growth Manual (The Dirt)
- And cities across the country rebuilding urban cores (CNN)
- But keep a balanced view of real urban growth (New Geography)
- And a few flickr photos of the day here and here and here.
This is Burnett Avenue facing Shelby Street
Payne’s numbers and the FEC’s numbers do not match. According to the FEC, Fischer’s only donations to Northup were $250 on 10/08/1998 and $350.00 on 10/03/2000. That equals hundreds, not thousands. Maybe Payne knows something the FEC (and the Northup campaign) don’t. If so, he should let us know.
Anyone can look up donations at the Federal Election Commission website, http://www.fec.gov. If you checks under Greg Fischer, you;ll find he has given more money to Democrats and the Democratic Party than any other candidate.
$1000 to Yarmuth in ‘07, ‘08, and ‘09; $250 to Heather Ryan in ‘08; $1000 to Boswell in ‘08; $250 to the DNC in ‘09; $15,750 to the KDP in ‘07, ‘08, and ‘09; $5000 to the Kentucky Victory Fund (Federal account) in ‘07; $7300 to Obama in ‘08; and $5000 to the Obama Victory Fund in ‘o8.
There’s been a lot of talk of Jim King throwing money around in this race. But he hasn’t thrown any to any Democrats other than himself lately. No other candidate for mayor has given the kind of dollars Fischer has to Democrats.
If Payne can’t get these numbers straight off an FEC webpage correct, why should we trust him to get the icemachine story correct?
Sounds interesting fecchecker, what are you talking about?
Looks like E. Burnett between St. Elizabeth’s & Shelby. Facing west.
Is that Cap’s Food Market/Marathon up ahead?
It would be good for the smart and informed people who visit this website to comment on the issues raised by this poignant and eloquent plea.
1100 Block E. Burnett looking east toward Texas.