Readers were stumped by our last sidewalk photo—not even a single guess came in. The sidewalk in question was South Bayly Avenue looking toward Caledonia. Better luck this time with a new sidewalk photo. Guesses in the comments.
Don’t forget about several new Broken Sidewalk features including our Forums, Events Calendar, and Photo Pool. Recently, there has been a great discussion going on in the forum about building better cities instead of building great cities. Check it out.
Local News
- The Green Building makes it into another major publication (Arch Record)
- Windy Hills buys neglected properties at city entrance (C-J)
- A comprehensive list of Metro Lou’s social networking (Metro Lou)
- Louisville music history goes big city (Ville Voice)
- Arena cautionary tale: tax increment financing woes (H-L)
- No consensus on homeless task force (WLKY Redding)
- Industrial wasteland in the Algonquin neighborhood (Steph of Lou)
- Two-thirds of KY high school grads not ready for college or career (C-J)
- Ear-X-tacy makes it onto another list of really great record stores (Loueyville)
- TARC Trolley-bus to remain free through end of year (WFPL)
- Bike thief advises on how to prevent your bike from being stolen (Hard Drive)
- Psychology of road rage: how cars transform others into obstacles (StreetsBlog)
- Talking and texting while driving kills 16,000 from 2001-2007 (Reuters)
- PSU evaluation finds that bike boxes work (Bike Portland)
- Jeffersonville buys two fake-trolleys for special events (C-J)
- Help needed for upcoming bike polo tournament (LHBP)
- Lou maintains bronze-level bike friendly status (LAB)
- Bicycling as a way of life across the globe (Shareable)
- New York bike valet program gets off to a slow start (WNYC)
- San Francisco transit agency’s plan puts cars in backseat (SF Chron)
- Cycling decor: Chandeliers made of bike chains (E Minor)
- Lego releases new build-your-own public transit kits (Human Transit)
Everything Else
- New York City more ecologically diverse than surrounding suburbs (NY Mag)
- The age of nations is over – the new urban age has begun (Foreign Policy)
- Lexington peels off some ugly facades (Lex Streetsweeper)
- Healthy offices make healthy employees (Good)
- Cities for cyborgs: 10 rules (Quiet Babylon)
- Video: New escalator technology goes curvy (VDC)
- Apartment sector leads market recovery (Real Deal)
- Stranger Studies 101: Cities as interaction machines (Atlantic)
- Construction screening in New York goes artsy (Arch Paper)
- Economic impact of obesity in the United States (Brookings)
- There’s no such thing as green industry (Urbanophile)
- Are networks or size more important to urban success? (Urbanophile)
- Check out a video of a recent flash mob at the University of Louisville (UL Youtube)
I believe the photo is of Rufer Ave in the Original Highlands, between Baxter and Barret.