Congratulations to Gary Guss, Jeff, and Mike MC for correctly identifying our last sidewalk photo as Vine Street looking toward Swan Street in the Paristown Pointe neighborhood. Here’s a new photo ready for guesses in the comments.
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Local News
- Mardi Gras in Louisville in 1873 appears to have been quite a party (Filson)
- NOLA-based NakedPizza planning on opening 10 units in Louisville (Mojo)
- Floyd County preservationists deal with proposed Federal spending cuts (N & T)
- Expansion wraps up at new facility for The Healing Place (Fox 41)
- On the rise of foreclosures and homelessness in Louisville (LEO)
- UL gets stimulus funds for pollution prevention center (C-J, WFPL)
- What’s going on with the Showcase Cinema site on Bardstown Road? (Mojo)
- What happened to the Kentucky BBQ Company on Frankfort? (Whitewashed)
- Take a look at what was once Letterle Road in Butchertown (Historic B-town)
- Tafel Motors buys St. Matthews Women’s Club for storage space (C-J)
- More on one group’s goal of finding 15,000 farms in Louisville (Consuming Lou)
- Do we need geographic diversity on metro boards & commissions? (Lou H & I)
- Don’t try to melt icicles on your house with a blowtorch (C-J)
- Thoughts on radar camera traffic enforcement (Bikeolounger)
- Bike lanes in Portugal offer poetry while you ride (TreeHugger)
- Parking meters in New York City to become bike racks (Inhabitat)
- Considering pollution generated by river traffic (WFPL)
- Battle brewing over parking in neighborhoods around Bellarmine (lou.com)
- Study says one hour of driving could reduce lifespan by 7.2 – 20 mins. (Transport-ist)
- Has automobile advertising gone too far? Require regulation? (GOOD)
Everything Else
- Louisville should have an event planned for Obscura Day on March 20 (Official)
- Another cool video of light art on buildings (this time interactive) (Archinect)
- On the hidden pitfalls of government transparency (Governing)
- Habitat for Humanity builds a LEED-Gold multi family building in Brooklyn (NY Times)
- Slumburbia and the real estate collapse in the suburbs (NY Times)
- And more on the decline of the suburban dream (Fast Company)
- Bright green cities reduce carbon footprint & childhood obesity (Worldchanging, GOOD)
- Bill could require Kentucky to use more renewable resources (C-J)
- Kentucky state colleges balancing funds to build new or maintain existing buildings (CoHE)
- Video: interesting rap on utopian cities and a plan forward for archi-nerds (abitare)
- Generation-Y more often choosing to rent instead of buy housing (Examiner via P-zen)
- Bankrupt national operator of local malls could be purchased for $10B (C-J, Fox 41)
- But turns down the hostile takeover bid (Biz First)
- But the deal could be ‘sweetened’ as other bidders emerge (WSJ)
- Ten suggestions for improving neighborhood spirit (GOOD)
- And a few flickr photos of the day here and here and here.
That is Saint Joseph Street looking west toward First. That is an interesting little court which dead-ends up into I-65. I’ve always wondered what the large residence on the northside of the street was. Other than the front yard on the right, it is not shown in this picture. This street would make a great “artists enclave.”
Also the interior alleys of this area, between 1st, St. Joseph, Oak, and Brook, have a “Fort George” area yard sale each year.
I’m getting old. That is looking toward Brook, not First. And the interior alleys are between Brook, Floyd, St. Joseph, and Oak. Sorry for the senility.
I just checked out your info on Kentucky BBQ, saw a link to Germantown closures and took a peek. Germantown Cafe, Goss @ Spratt, is currently undergoing extensive renovation with new owner(s). Movie rental place closure coincided with Germantown Square Kroger announcing its expansion plans – which apparently got nipped in the bud by the economy. (Kroger told customers – maybe 2 years ago? – they were going to expand the store and put in a pharmacy drive-thru. They also expressed tempered hopes that they could install gas pumps.)
While the street was correctly identified as Vine Street, it is not Vine “looking toward” Swan Street. Swan street runs parallel to Vine. The photo was of Vine looking toward Breckinridge, past the Coachlamp and the rear of the Metro Government bldgs.
The photo was farther north on Vine than Breckinridge. Swan Street does run roughly parallel to Vine but curves around and ends at Vine where the photo was taken at a 1-story structure where Stoneware Alley would intersect Vine as well. Here’s a map.