Reviving the News Roundup. Here’s the latest list of links for your perusal. With the news, the Sidewalk Identification Project continues with the photo above. Guess it’s location in the comments.
Local News
- A small-town feeling in Crescent Hill. (Highlander)
- The creation of Lucille Grant Park. (The Paper)
- Foreclosure problems: Help is on the way… out. (LEO Weekly)
- Sustainability week reveals a green U of L. (Cardinal)
- Ted Smith: Open innovation for a better tomorrow. (The Paper)
- After years of keeping rates low, coal now detrimental to utility costs. (WFPL)
- Louisville coal ash pond reclassified as “high hazard.” (WFPL)
- Metro Government fines LG&E for coal ash violations at Cane Run. (WFPL)
- LG&E fined up to $26,000 for coal ash problems at Cane Run. (WFPL)
- Mining for Money: Gov. Steve Beshear rides the coal train to re-election. (LEO Weekly)
- Senator Paul’s anti-bike amendment fails – 60 senators voted against it. (Bike League)
- Streetless in Seattle: The mayor imposes a diet on cars. (City Journal)
- How much is a bike trail worth? More than you think. (Atlantic Cities)
- D.C. considers allowing cyclists to sue drivers. (Transportation Nation)
- Cars have evolved to go faster, but humans haven’t. (New Scientist)
- The surprising psychology of driver interaction with cyclists. (StreetsBlog)
- The surprising rise of Minneapolis as a top bike town. (Citiwire)
- Report: “Cash for Clunkers” was a lemon. (StreetsBlog)
National News
- Beyond HOPE 6: HUD’s new initiatives for low-income housing & neighborhood revitalization. (Urban Land)
- Preservation: Making Pittsburgh new by keeping it old. (Atlantic Cities)
- City smog linked to cognitive deficits in children. (Atlantic Cities)
- No Vacancy: Turning empty spaces into cultural pop-ups. (PBS/WNET)
- Architecture matters… still. (NRDC)
- Architecture: Cities stand or fall on mediocrity. (BD Online)
- Architecture: The stream that revitalized Seoul. (This Big City)
- Room for Debate: Destroying houses to save cities. (NY Times)
- Urban agriculture as a CSO abatement strategy. (Urban Food Policy)
Glad to see some updates. Pass that everyday on my way to work. Floyd street between Breckenridge and College.
Other local news: the Jeffersonville canal project is dead with mayor Galligan’s loss. A positive to that loss is that Galligan is a supporter of the economically suicidal downtown Ohio River Bridge Project. Many other anti-toll candidates won in Southern Indiana so Louisville might yet avoid the catastrophic economic consequences of building the incredibly regressive and backwards downtown Ohio River Bridge Project.
Notes from observations: the Fourth Street Border’s location is being worked on. There’s a dumpster, but I saw workers inside going over blueprints, so something’s afoot there. Also, rumor has it the Marion E Taylor Building is going to get another round of first floor retail/restaurants, with a Smashburger and a fast service greek place opening, with a couple more places in talks to come in. Across the street, the Hyatt is reworking its front entrance and putting in a new Hyatt-concept restaurant “S’Way” which is supposed to feature regional dishes.
Nevermind. I just did a quick Cordish search, and saw that it’s going to be another “upscale” restaurant. I hope that’s not over-saturation. I was hoping for something retail…retail viability is going to be hugely important to the success of “City Center” and the long-term prognosis of downtown revitalization efforts.