Congratulations to Haven Harrington, Joshua Poe, and Joanne Weeter for correctly identifying our last sidewalk photo as 13th Street looking south from Jefferson Street. It’s been a couple weeks, but here’s your next sidewalk photo ready to be identified in the comments below. And in those couple weeks, the news has piled up. Here’s the big list of top stories we found around the web. Apologies in advance for the larger-than-normal list, but you’re sure to find something you like in there.
Local News
- Parklands of Floyds Fork on budget, on schedule. (C-J)
- J. Bruce Miller still looking to bring NBA to Louisville. (C-J)
- Metro Parks is conducting its 2012 online survey. (Survey)
- Foreclosure goes upscale as number of middle-class homes rises. (Insider)
- Relocation of the Louisville Clock Downtown delayed. (C-J)
- Louisville & the birth of the big picture. (The Paper)
- Todd Smith & the Bernheim Forest Artist Residency. (The Paper)
- Ashley Brossart’s work inspired by city’s changing landscape. (The Paper)
- Profile: Ted Smith, Expanding the city’s growth engine. (C-J)
- Bowman obstruction study to include buildings, other elements. (C-J)
- Louisville-area population tops 1.3 million. (Biz First)
- Louisville to see cuts in federal block grant funding. (C-J)
- Ordinance calls for impounding cars of illegal dumpers. (C-J)
- Proposal to store barges at 6 Mile Isle causes controversy. (C-J)
- Corbin to head Jeffersonville planning office. (N&T)
- Southern Exposition alive at Conrad-Caldwell House. (Insider)
- Photos of the 2012 Masters Cyclocross Worlds. (Flickr 1, 2, 3, Cyclocross)
Food & Drink
- Louisville named among 8 foodie getaways in the world. (Zagat)
- But while that’s great, do we really deserve it? (Insider)
- A Q+A with Top Chef finalist Edward Lee. (Washingtonian)
- Fischer says more local food in use in Louisville. (C-J)
- Community challenge: Support the local food economy. (C-J)
- Ramsi’s Farm on the World. (The Paper)
- Vegetable garden design workshop set for February 12. (Consuming Lou)
- Korean restaurant coming to St. Matthews. (Twitter, Hotbytes)
- Louisville listed twice on 100 best beer bars list. (Draft)
- Hawmarket Whiskey Bar opens on East Market Street. (Megabites)
- Brewery Bar on Baxter to reopen in March. (Insider)
- Falls City Beer returns to Louisville roots. (C-J)
- Vines & Canines on Frankfort offers wine to dog lovers. (C-J)
- After two decades, jazz at the Seelbach ends. (Catastrophe)
- Urban gardens: The future of food? (Salon)
- America’s most creative food trucks. (US News)
- Third-annual Move-By-Bike a huge success. (Bicycling for Lou)
- More coverage of the move-by-bike. (C-J, WDRB, WHAS11)
- TARC to continue frequent bus service. (Metro Lou)
- Questions linger on Ohio River bridges deal. (C-J)
- Input sought on economic impact study for ORBP. (C-J)
- State senator files bill to ban tolling on existing bridges. (C-J)
- Big Four Bridge span on target and on budget. (C-J)
- Riding high: 30 outrageous bike mods. (Web Urbanist)
- How to entice car owners to switch to public transit. (Atlantic Cities)
- The law of traffic congestion according to “The Flash.” (Planetizen)
- Maps show striking link between car commuting and obesity. (Streetsblog)
- Retrofitting the suburbs to increase walking. (Access)
Other News
- The ‘New American Home’ continues shrinking. (WSJ)
- Study links quality urbanism to happiness. (StreetsBlog)
- Report: Few cities have regained jobs they lost. (NY Times)
- Strip malls like you’ve never seen them before. (Atlantic Cities)
- How contemporary buildings can impact historic urban areas. (This Big City)
- Case Study Seattle: Old buildings are opportunities, not obstacles. (Seattle Times)
- How badly-designed communities trash our health. (Grist, Atlantic Cities, Chronicle)
- How citizen mapmakers are changing the story of our cities. (This Big City)
- More walkable urban dev. is good, but good enough? (NRDC)
- 8 Lessons to promote diversity in public places. (PPS)
- Green walls create new urban jungles. (CNN)
- What is the midwest? Where is it? (Midwesterner)
The photo is on Pope Street in front of Breckinridge Franklin Elementary School looking towards Distillery Commons.
Not Pope, Payne@John –