While there was some confusion as to the location of a complicated intersection, readers still correctly identified our last sidewalk photo as the confluence of Lexington Road and Hamilton Avenue before merging with Barret Avenue in Phoenix Hill. Well done Clay, Ken Wilson, Lee Donphue, and bourbonball72. Here’s a new photo ready to be identified in the comments.
Local News
- Jeffersonville approach to Big Four pedestrian bridge to be rebid. (N&T)
- Patti Clare ends retirement to become interim economic development chief. (Insider)
- The future is so bright: a tour of local solar-powered homes. (Paper)
- Powered by the past: Ohio Valley Creative Energy plans on turning garbage into art. (Paper)
- Louisville hosting top pedalists for Cyclocross Master World Championships. (C-J)
- Bats to lose summer roosts in Louisville Metro. (James Bruggers)
- Mayor takes “reality ride” in District One, notes abandonment. (C-J)
- Not-so-easy-money: State Rep. makes another push to cap payday loans. (LEO)
- Study: Kentucky Derby Festival brings $128 million to local economy. (WDRB)
- Wild & Woolly now selling CDs and records. (BG Catastrophe)
- Chainsaw artist creates stump-sculpture on Utica Pike. (N&T)
- Z’s Fusion restaurant on Fourth St. to become Z’s Oyster Bar & Steakhouse. (Biz First)
- Contribute to a comprehensive map of community gardens. (Consuming Lou)
- Large Dewitt Godfrey installation will transform a Lexington rooftop. (Kaintuckeean)
- Bourbon of proof: Is Kentucky’s heritage spirit compromised by GMO corn? (Grist)
- Taking a U-turn on the one-way street. (National Post)
- Kentucky’s hybrid school bus fleet among the best in nation. (C-J)
- Using hashtags to build #bike community. (Smart Marketing)
- Improving towns one walk at a time. (AARP)
- Dear Giant bicycles, please bring this ad campaign to America. (StreetsBlog)
Other News
- How demolition came to mean stabilization by Rob Pitingolo. (Urbanophile)
- Project Pop-up gives new life to Pittsburgh’s empty storefronts. (T-R)
- Shopping with a sunroof: Outdoor malls & the American downtown. (This Big City)
- When shops & services within walking distance, we walk more & drive less. (NRDC)
- Study: Clean energy actually creates jobs and saves cash. (Page One)
- Study: Billboards hurt nearby property values. (PAC)
- Parking lots are devouring our cities. (Smart Planet)
- Life support: Can architecture make us healthy? (Design Observer)
- Decaying neighborhoods linked to premature births. (Live Science)
- The case for saving ugly buildings. (Atlantic Cities)
12th Street behind Central High?
Close. It’s 13th street. Looks like the corner of 13th of Jefferson facing south towards Ali.
Thanks for the linkage!
– PJWB @ http://www.kaintuckeean.com
13th @ LIberty
Thirteenth street, between jefferson and liberty.