We usually try to stay far away from politics in Washington, but the implications of the Stimulus Bill currently being debated are quite serious. All the back and forth is making us a little dizzy and the continual cuts to infrastructure programs we care about (namely, transit) and threats of increased highway building are getting us down.
Here’s a clipping that landed in our inbox today from the StreetsBlog Network on what not to expect from the stimulus bill:
Earlier today, the U.S. Senate voted to accept, by a vote of 73-24, an amendment offered by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) which states, “None of the amounts appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be used for any casino or other gambling establishment, aquarium, zoo, golf course, swimming pool, stadium, community park, museum, theater, art center, and highway beautification project.”
Economic Stimulus Bill
- Bike funding at risk as Senate debates stimulus bill (Bike Portland)
- And action is encouraged to protect bike infrastructure (StreetsBlog)
- Does the economic stimulus bill “discriminate against density”? (Design New Haven)
- Stimulus tug-of-war games add and remove programs (GGWash)
- Learning from Japan for the Stimulus Bill (NY Times via StreetsBlog)
- Overwhelming support shown for high speed rail (Transport P0litic)
Local News
- SoBro accepts defeat, will not appeal fire station closing decision (WFPL)
- Jeffersonville won’t give up on keeping the Remnant Trust (N & T)
- Discussing future plans for downtown New Albany (NA Confidential)
- Name change spares casino-goers error of arriving at strip club (NA Confidential)
Everything Else
- Appropriate planning required to combat sprawl (TreeHugger)
- Lexington installing “artsy” bus shelters (Lex Streetsweeper)
- Columbus, OH demolishing downtown “City Center” mall (Urbanophile)