A Case For Bollards: Motorist Smashes Bench
Sometime between Wednesday night and Friday morning, a motorist ran a car onto the West Main Street sidewalk near the corner of 6th Street...
Pre-Construction: Inside The Whiskey Row Lofts
Located on the corner of Second Street and Main Street, the Whiskey Row Lofts mixed-use project is still moving ahead despite the economic meltdown....
Snapshot: Republic Plaza Sprouts A Crown
The conversion of the Legal Arts Building into the Republic Plaza took another step recently with the addition of a giant crowning sign that...
Seeing Stars: O’Shea’s On Main’s Facade Repaired
The scaffolding is down from the construction site of the O'Shea' on Main site, revealing the first visible changes on the future arena district...
Topping Off At The Zirmed Gateway Towers
A ceremony was held this morning at the construction site of the Zirmed Gateway Towers where the top floor was poured marking the end...
Ice House Lofts Moving Ahead As Apartments
The Ice House Lofts announced well over a year ago on East Main Street will be moving ahead despite the slow economy. Plans have...
Local Leaders Ponder Louisville’s Future Economy
Last night, local architects gathered to hear five business and government leaders discuss the future of Louisville's "Changing Downtown Economy" at Felice Vineyards on...
Demo Watch: 2nd Street Building Chopped In Half
This small building on Second Street just north of Broadway is undergoing the surgical removal of a mid-century addition. We spotted strewn bricks and...
Snapshot: Painting O’Shea’s On Main
The scaffolding went up on the O'Shea's on Main project in late October, we already took a sneak-peek at what's in store down the...