West Main Street

West Main Street

Update: Museum Plaza Construction Trailer Missing!

Wednesday, we told you about the imminent "relocation" of the Museum Plaza construction trailer to accommodate a few IdeaFestival festivities. After some nostalgic reminiscing...

21c Restrooms Rank 2nd Best in Nation

Earlier this year we told you that the 21c Museum Hotel's restrooms were in the running for the title as America's Best Restroom. The results...

Remember When They Were Building Museum Plaza?

Yesterday's close call with the Museum Plaza Construction trailer got us thinking. How long has it been since there was activity down at the...

Breaking News: Museum Plaza Jobsite Trailer Being Disassembled

4:15 p.m.: A Broken Sidewalk tipster has just pointed out that the construction trailer at the Museum Plaza site at the corner of 7th...

Tropical Frogs on West Main Street

A pair of tropical frogs has landed on West Main Street near the Louisville Science Center. West Main is quickly becoming quite the menagerie...

Arena Mayhem: Giant Engine Found Amid LG&E Rubble

Workers pulled a giant engine from the rubble of the former LG&E Substation during demolition of the century old brick building. The massive contraption...

Two New Architecture Offices Opening on West Main Street

Rundell Ernstberger Associates, a landscape architecture office based in Muncie, Indiana, will be opening a Louisville office on West Main Street between 6th and 7th...

Louisville Science Center Expands

The Louisville Science Center has begun expanding into the Alexander Building it bought last year for $2 million at the corner of West Main...

Old News But Good News

These stories came and went, but the national exposure they shed on Louisville is too much for us to pass up, so feel free...