Metro Council

Making Billboard Benches Work for Louisville

A new ordinance sponsored by Metro Council President Jim King with Council Members Henderson, Blackwell, and Engel proposes a permitting process and fee for...

On The Agenda Of Tomorrow’s Metro Council

Metro Council will be meeting tomorrow, Thursday, February 25 at 6:00p.m. Here are a few items on the agenda. They might not all be...

Still Hope For Louisville’s Transportation Future

Despite a reckless and unfair hearing at the Metro Council Transportation Committee last week, there's still hope that the resolution sponsored by Tina Ward-Pugh... Polling Data Released, Metro Council Squanders Opportunity

Metro Council's Transportation Panel took the opportunity to rubber stamp the creation of a tolling authority without public comment Thursday, and took less than...

Street Renaming Simplified

It seems no topic is small enough to cause a fuss, including the simple idea of commemorating a local leader. The latest issue at...

Museum Plaza Watch: ‘Trust Us, This Thing’s Getting Built’

Craig Greenberg went before Metro Council today to answer the tough questions about the state of the Museum Plaza development. We didn't have a...

Metro Council’s Fear Of Museum Plaza Unfounded, Lawyer Says

Several million dollars of construction liens filed against Museum Plaza by contractors caused a panic among some Metro Council members last week as they...

Peace Program Launches “Pull Up Your Pants Campaign”

The Courier-Journal reported today that representatives of the 40 Days of Peace 2009 Program addressed Metro Council tonight about their new campaign to encourage...