
Bike Louisville Knows Where You Biked Last Summer

A tipster spotted this tube bike counter on the Beargrass Creek bike trail a few weeks ago and wondered what was up. The counter...

Former Highlands Just Fresh Now Freshly Toasted

Thanks to a tipster for sending in these photos of the fire at the vacant Just Fresh building on Bardstown Road taken about 6:30p...

Demo Watch: Shippingport Building Destroyed

Last week, an easily overlooked structure at the corner of Rowan and 11th streets in the shadow of that elevated-highway-monstrosity we call our riverfront...

Snapshot: Norton Hospital Radiation Center

Thanks to a tipster for sending in a few snapshots of construction of the new three-story Norton Hospital Radiation Center on the corner of...

Video: Beautiful Urban Abstractions

Here's something pretty to watch this evening. It's an award-winning video titled Urban Abstract by Jopsu Ramu and Timo Huhtala that was created for Finnish...

Snapshot: Ice House Lofts

Thanks to a tipster for checking in with progress at the Ice House Lofts on East Main Street. More coverage of the Ice House...

Demo Watch: Grassy Lot Replaces Old Spalding Gym

Here's the final product of that demolition on Breckinridge Street and Library Lane. Yeah, that one. That grass is useless, but hey, we now...

Snapshot: Main Street BBC To Open This Summer

Thanks to a tipster for sending in these photos of the corner of Third and Main Street where a Bluegrass Brewing Company restaurant, bar,...
Zoes Kitchen To Open Soon Downtown (Photo courtesy tipster)

Zoes Kitchen To Open Soon In The PNC Tower

In late March, the C-J reported that a Birmingham, Alabama based restaurant planned to open in the PNC Plaza tower at Fifth and Jefferson...