
Video: Happy Independence Day

Have a great Independence Day. It's not quite fireworks, but here's a choreographed video of bridges blowing up put together by the Virginia Department...

Take A Tour Of Chicago’s Bike Station

After all the controversy over Mayor Abramson's proposed Downtown bike station, this Streetfilms video emerges showing how Chicago's famous McDonald's Cycling Center in Millenium...

Video: What’s The Greatest Threat To Our Planet?

The Congress for the New Urbanism recently announced the winner of its CNU 17 video contest. We posted a link in the roundup a...

Video: A World Of Bikes For Bike To Work Day

Since Friday is National Bike to Work Day, we've compiled a bunch of bike-related links to get you ready to cycle the streets. Up...

Video: Imagine Driving The Speed Limit

What if you couldn't speed? If you had to go the speed limit; not 5 over, but nothing above the posted limit? A new...

Evening News Roundup

For your enjoyment, the plight of the urban Zozos. There's nothing like Derby to bring out seasonal allergies, and there's no place for...

Video: This Is What Bike Rush Hour Looks Like

This is the scene just about every morning in Portland, Oregon as the masses of commuting cyclists head off to work. On this particular...

Video: Dancing Through The City On A Bike

We posted a link to this video last week in the Evening News Roundup, but have since seen it pop up all over the...

Video: Building A Holographic World Simulation

This isn't what we normally cover here, but the graphics in this video are pretty amazing, especially for the architecturally minded. In the award-winning...