We stopped by the site of that imminently “dangerous” building on Liberty Street in Phoenix Hill that was damaged in the windstorm. Scaffolding went up a little over a month ago and the old brick started to come down as crews worked to rebuild the third floor of the 19th century building and put a new roof on the structure. We thought, at first, the rebuild would consist of a concrete block wall faced in brick, but from the looks of the mostly rebuilt wall from the sidewalk, it appears workers rebuilt the wall entirely out of brick. Well done.
These photos were taken on Friday before a little bit of snow and ice fell on the city, but based on our research, the building probably looks the same today, only with a little bit more snow and ice. It is also good to see the full window openings appear to have been opened up (the old ones were half-bricked-in at some point. Phoenix Hill Building: 1, Hurricane Ike: 0.
- Scaffolding Watch: Dangerous PH Building Being Tamed (Broken Sidewalk)
- Dude, Where’s My Roof: Phoenix Hill Edition (Broken Sidewalk)