Way back in the winter of 2008, we brought you breaking news about the disappearance of a large, blue dinosaur from downtown. The large sculpture was then perched in the shadow of the former LG&E electric tower at the foot of 8th Street, ostensibly guarding the Louisville Science Center from invading river creatures. Needless to say, three-and-a-half years later, we assumed the dino had gone extinct (or taken up a new gig at some new theme park).
It turns out the triceratops had just been hiding out behind the Great Northern Manufacturing warehouse in the Park Hill neighborhood near the corner of 14th and Breckinridge streets. In fact, it’s been there so long that it appears on Google maps! It remains uncertain whether the dinosaur will return to Downtown or remain at its new home.
Wonder how it ended up on the other side of the river.
@Vi – The other side of what river?
lolz@Jeff –
Interestingly, looking at the google map of the current location of the dino, it’s easy to tell that there was once a railroad spur in that location. The building’s shape is even influenced by it!
In case anyone’s wondering about the origin of this dino, it looks like it may have been part of a Sinclair Oil exhibit at the 1964-65 World’s Fair in New York City: http://www.sinclairoil.com/history/worlds_fair_01.html
Who owns the dinosaur?