We’ve been wondering what the deal is concerning a three-story brick building sort-of under renovation on First Street between Main Street and Market Street. The project is being designed by Joseph & Joseph architects, but little else is known about this mystery property. According to plans filed with the city, the 8,100 square foot structure is slated for 5 apartments and 2,500 square feet of retail space, which would fit in really well with the area. Nothing much has been happening on site, though.

The upper floor windows were removed ages ago, and are now left empty, allowing mother nature’s full force inside the building. Leaving windows open in an abandoned building is often a sign the landlord is hoping for a “coincidental” collapse to get rid of the property, but this structure is in the heart of a revitalizing area and only a block from the new arena, so its future is unlikely in jeopardy.
Earlier this year, however, the sidewalk caved in in front of the building (most old buildings downtown have vaults beneath the sidewalk). The site was marked with caution tape, but never really fixed properly, and no one around has seen any construction activity. We hope this project gains some steam soon, or at least gets some proper windows!