The latest potential condo conversion might be taking place in the Clifton neighborhood near the corner of Frankfort Avenue and Pope Street. The Hilltop Theater, currently home to Jim Conti & Sons (an events planning company), was built in 1920, and according to Wikipedia, was the first theater in the east end. The building sits next to the Stoll Fire Station which is being relocated to Spring Street in Butchertown. The city will sell the building after the move, so look forward to another potential redevelopment next door.

Strange to live in a movie theater, you may ask? It’s not really all that crazy an idea at all; recently plans for turning a church into condos surfaced, so it looks like Louisville entrepreneurs are getting a little more creative with what makes a home. We’ve toured several theater-to-house conversions in the past, and with a little creativity, they can be great living spaces. Converting a theater into multiple units, however, could prove to be a challenge, but we’re game for a proposal.
The Jim Conti company will be moving their headquarters to Jeffersontown and are reportedly very near a sale of the historic Frankfort Avenue theater. The building is currently used as warehouse space and has been substantially altered from its original format. Walking into the building, one would never guess it was once a dazzling movie house and burlesque venue. Up on the second floor, however, is a different story. We snapped a few photos of the ornate plaster detailing still visible on the ceiling and surrounding the original stage, most of which is still intact and in great shape (it’s worth checking out after the click). The original projection room when the building played movies. Now, it serves as an office.
We don’t have the details yet on what the project will entail: how many units, price range, etc, but as soon as we hear anything more, we’ll be sure to bring it to you.
- You Live Where? In A Church? Holy Condo Watch (Broken Sidewalk)
- Snapshot: Butchertown Fire Station Bricked & Stoned (Broken Sidewalk)
- Jim Conti & Sons (Official Site)
- Theaters of Louisville (Wikipedia)
To bad the owner, Mr. Conti, demolished the oldest home in Clifton next door at 1775 (the Maxwell – Maloney House) even though there was plenty of outcry from the public and neighbors. It would have been a great addition to a condo project. Mr. Conti did not have the forsight to understand the significance our past has on our future. Ashame.
Martha Maloney had the chance to buy the house back and chose not to. One month after Jim Conti bought the property (sold to the highest bidder) the City of Louisville placed an emergency demolition order on the building. Mr.Conti was fined for not tearing it down and paid out of his own pocket to stabilze the building while giving preservationists and Martha Maloney 2 years to come up with a solution. The problem was, the building had not been kept up for 10, 15, 20 years. The only family member to visit, Michael Maloney did his best to take care of his Grandmother who refused to let him make repairs, clean, etc. Every engineer (both hired by Conti and the preservationists) agreed that the building was either a total loss or an average estimate to repair it was $200,000 to $250,000. Each one of these professionals agreed that if the family would have maintained the property it would have been salvagable. From the blue tarps nailed to ceiling to contain the falling plaster, to no heating or air conditioning other than portable units, to the pidgeons living in the rafters, the place was a disaster. There was actually a steel cable stretched across the outside of the house to hold the walls together. The real shame is that(I have pictures to document this), when the house was torn down, a large amount of the personal artifacts of Mrs. Maloney were left left behind. Yearbooks, photo albums, pictures, collectables that meant a lot to her but, maybe not valuable to a buyer from an auction house or flea market dealer that they brought in to pick through the memories. The Maloneys were granted full access by Mr. Conti, with their own keys to the house for around 2 years. No notification was needed. Michael Maloney did his best to work through all of the piles but simply recieved no help from the rest of his family. The real shame is that family members in situations like this try to lay blame for letting their parents live in squalor. Sometimes parents just won’t let family members help or change a thing in their house. The only family member who I saw try was Michael Maloney.
Mr Conti’s family has owned the building next door (The Hilltop) and conducted business in the building for 50 years. I have worked there for 25 years. I personally drove Mrs. Maloney to her shop on Market street when I was younger, we shipped packages for her, drove her to the grocery, etc. Before I saw Martha Maloney’s picture in the Courier Journal lamenting the demolition of the house, I can honestly say, I had never seen her before. You would think in 25 years I would have seen her going into the house at some point but, I never did. Michael Maloney was the person who cut her grass, got her groceries, checked in on her, kept her company and basically provided her with companionship.
Yes there was an outcry from the public and Mr. Conti was fined by the city buying time for truly interested preservationists to look at options. Patria Fielding, Virginia Forest Michael O’Leary, Leslie Barras, Rachel Grimes, Kevin McAdams, Emily Boone, Pam Vetter, Janie Estes are just some of the names that Mr. Conti cooperated with trying to come to a solution. I doubt if you asked any one of them, Martha Maloney’s name would be mentioned as being of any help. I think Martha enjoyed her picture in the paper and being quoted. Martha Maloney should never have taken the money from the highest bidder. She should have rehabbed the house and moved into it herself. After all, if it was so magnificent, if she had the foresight and was interested in preserving the past, why didn’t she save it? Martha Maloney had the chance to buy it back and chose not to. Shame on her……
In addition to the plaster work visible upstairs, there is much more on the first floor. We built all interior walls a foot or two from the original walls to preserve the walls, plaster work, etc. It is all there to be restored as well as 15 to 20 foot long floor to ceiling mirrors that are still in place and untouched. The office space you showed was built over the front foyer and was not the projection room. Just outside of that room was where the projectors were stationed and the projector ports are still intact with that wall. It is really cool. They poured a concrete slab up there to support(I guess) the heavy projection equipment. We still some of the original fold down wooden seats and in the basement you can see where they were attached and it also contains an orchestra pit. I have lots of pictures of the original front facade. The building is really cool. The first and second floors were added before my Grandfather purchased the building.
It is amzing what someone can sit down and write on a computer – especially with such limited knowledge as Chris Conti has.
I initally sat down and was ready to point out all the incorrect things Chris Conti wrote but then I realized I have nothing to defend. My Grandmother was the foundation of our family and we all loved her dearly.
As for the shape of the home – the main damage was done when the gutters on the Hilltop theater were not in place for MANY, MANY years and that caused the crack that Mr. Chris Conti chose to mention. We felt action against Mr. Jim Conti needed to be taken but my Grandmother choose not to. If the runoff from the Hilltop Theater would not have been running directly on the foundation many of the problems would not have been caused.
AS far as Mr. Conti saying that I should have purchased the home – well I would have liked to but was unable. I had no say in the matter as I am a granddaughter and it was not my decision. The only reason it was sold to Jim Conti other than the other buyer was because there was a gentlemans agreement (with a handshake) between my father and Jim Conti that the house would not be torn down. Even though my grandmother did appreciate the occassional help from Mr Conti my grandmother's greatest fear was that one day her beloved home would fall into the hands of the Conti family – she predicted they would knock it down – unfortunately for us and the neighborhood her greatest fear was realized.
Yes it is true that many of my grandmothers belongings were knocked down in the mess. We were told we would be given 30 days notice on the demolition and were not. My entire family spent countless hours trying to move all of her belongings but moving 50 years of a life of a woman who saved everything is time consuming. When the house started to be torn down we all rushed down there but it was to late. I was fortunate enough to find a glass vase in the rubble after it was all over – in perfect shape – a sign from my Grandmother no doubt that Jim Conti may have taken her house but noone could take her spirit.
Someone call Don King and put this thing together.
I looked at that building prior to sale and am still amazed anyone bought it. Conti bought a laibility, by then the property was worth only lot value less the cost of demolition of the house.
I have been a customer of Conti's for years and he has always been a very gracious person, I'd find it hard to believe he would not have corrected anything the neighbor would have brought to his attention or allowed her or her family to correct it to both of their benefit. What could gutters have cost, a couple hundred buck's ?
Even after a quarter million dollars you still get back to the same question – who gets to maintain it? (See $$$$$)
I look forward to see what someone can do with the Hilltop – thankfully Mr. Conti preserved what was there – with his time, his money and his priviledge; and the possibility to offer off-street parking !!!
Many people are to blame here starting with the city of Louisville. Every other homeowner in the Clifton “preservation” district is required to follow the guidelines without regards to cost. It should have been purchased by someone willing to do the work and pay for the renovations, or the city should have stepped in with some money. Now there is a large parking lot planned where the oldest house in the “preservation” district once stood. SAD.
One day I hope to meet the imaginary “someone” mentioned in every story concerning the preservation of old structures in Louisville. This someone should come forward now and reveal their identity. Most likely, it is not any of the people who write these holier than thou letters expressing their lofty dreams of “someone” swooping in and spending whatever it takes to restore these buildings. Why is it that all of these posts always demonize the owners? Why don’t these writers buy these properties, give examples of properties they have saved, form partnerships with other people who share the same passion for a particular building? In addition, writers should try to attain accurate information before they spew venom. The property next to the Hilltop is not going to be a parking lot. The Conti family has been in Clifton since the 1930’s. They have operated a business(preserved property) in the Hilltop since the early 60’s (40 plus years before the preservation district was formed). The Conti family has lived in or owned property on Frankfort(3), Market St{2}, Payne St(3), Angora Ct, Ewing Ave, Bickel Rd, Bayly Ave{4}, Regan, Cleveland Blvd, Country Club Rd(2), Pope St, etc. What have you done??? Are you the “someone” wealthy enough to renovate a dump and sell it for a third of what you have spent? Clifton/Crescent Hill is a wonderful neighborhood where I live now and have for over twenty years. I applaud every person who helps to improve any and every aspect of the special area. How long have you lived in the area? Please give examples of the preservation projects you have completed. Please give examples of the efforts you have made to help the small but dedicated group of true preservationists and leaders in the Clifton community who I truly admire. Better yet, buy the Victorian from Frank Farris and restore it to it’s true glory. If “someone” stepped up and renovated this they would be putting their money where their mouth is and be a hero to a lot of folks in Clifton. I’m willing to bet it’s not You. It must be warm and comfortable being on the outside looking in.
Restored Victorian home purchased 25 years ago that was in terrible shape, as in the front porch was falling down and the building had been duplexed. It is now in good shape and a single family home. Yes I am warm and comfortable since I have restored my house. I don’t like it that I am held to a higher standard and can’t replace windows that are not original to my house because of these “preservationists” so that I can be warmer and more energy efficient, while important buildings are torn down and building such as the one Mr.Farris own are neglected to the condition they are in. The city of Louisville does nothing about abandoned buildings that the “preservationists” have put stop work orders on years ago. It is a double standard that needs to be corrected.
After reading Jennifer’s reply, I feel like I was a little harsh. The response I wrote was directed at a broad group of people and Jennifer simply became the point person. For years my father refused to respond to negative comments over the property that Mrs. Maloney lived in for years. He also refused to let any family members respond to comment on the abuse he was taking over this property. He did follow all of the rules, he did work with anyone interested in purchasing and/or finding creative ways to try and save the house. I got a sense of the pride that Jennifer had in her hard work to restore a classic house. It is a feeling that I have had and my family has had because we had done the same many times. That is kind of the point. Jennifer’s pride stems from her restoring a house and making it her home. That is not always possible or feasable unless you spend the time and because you know it is your home. Some properties just are not able to be restored because of condition, location, rules, parking, etc. and many times because there are no interested buyers. Jennifer is obviously one of the group of people who did invest time, money, sweat and part of their life to create something beautiful. My apologies.
No apologies necessary, it is a hot button issue in the neighborhood. Why does the city let houses get to the state where they have to be torn down? I live near the Farris property and there is a vacant house near mine b/c there was a stop work order put on it by Landmarks (over 3 years ago) AND there was no permit for the work from the city. It has been brought up three times at ARC meetings that I have been to with someone from IPL there and nothing has been done. It has been discussed at Clifton Community meetings. Oddly enough I have neighbors who have been cited by the city for cracks in their front sidewalk. We need some balance here and structures that are being neglected should be cited, not those where people are living in them and caring for them. At meetings I have been to in the past year the “preservationists” tend to blame absentee landlords for poor renovation work, yet I hardly see that in the Clifton area. My family along with several friends on the street own investment property in the neighborhood and have seen and worked on houses that have improved the neighborhood. We are watched diligently by Landmarks while unoccupied buildings rot. Our neighbor even received a personal visit from our councilperson on a house he was renovating even though he had all the proper permits and certificates from Landmarks and IPL because of a neighbor complaint. The focus needs to be shifted to IPL to do a better job before buildings get to a terminal stage.
Maxwell – Conti House. A very exciting project will be announced soon that will utilize, preserve and reinvigorate the Hilltop Theatre building in the Clifton neighborhood. The lot that housed the Maxwell – Conti house will serve an integral part in the development. The Maxwell – Conti property will be developed as part of a larger project that enhances the true history and preservation qualities that the Hilltop exudes while making the best use possible of the Maxwell – Conti lot come to fruition.
The reason house in question is not a parking lot is only because the city would not allow the Conti family to put one in. I sat at each and every neighborhood meeting and was ashamed that a family would come in and demolish a home that was a neighborhood landmark. I felt bad for the family that had agreed to sell the home to the Conti’s because it was very clear that Mr. Conti had agreed not to demolish the home and I believe that was his intention all along. I find it offensive as a resident of Clifton that Chris Conti would come on here and try to change the name of a historic piece of property to Maxwell – Conti. The real name was because those were the families who tried to make sure a piece of history stayed with us and not just knocked it over first chance they got. I cringed each day when I pass that empty lot full of weeds…it represent greed instead of neighborhood pride.
I had hoped that with the recent plans for the firehouse, that these folks might also acquire the Hilltop, and return it to a theater, for independent filmmakers to have a venue to showcase their craft, and patrons could have some pizza and beer from the firehouse, while viewing the films. It seems only a natural choice.
I truly did not mean to offend anyone when I described the lot with the Conti name. I am very aware it has been known as the Maxwell – Maloney house as it should be because those are the families that lived there for decades. I have no interest in renewing bad feelings. We have been speaking with the group that purchased the Firehouse as well as others to purchase the Hilltop and bring it back to the showcase it once was. Our family has owned the building for over 40 years and would love to see it refurbished. That is why we protected as much of the interior as we could. Building walls 2 feet out from the original walls to preserve the ornate plaster work, leaving in place massive mirrors, saving and storing original windows, signs, lights, seats, screen pulleys, etc.
While nothing about the sale of the building is final, we are seeking a buyer that is interested in refurbishing the Hilltop. That is all I was trying to get across in my last post. The building simply no longer fits our business. Years ago, when we operated a costume shop as part of the business in the Hilltop, a parking lot would have been desireable to us. We shut down that part of our business before the purchase of the Maxwell – Maloney house. We have little or no walk in customers(1 or 2) people per week. The Hilltop is now simply a warehouse and houses our offices. We do have customers pick up rental equipment but they park in front or in our parking lot in the rear for 15 – 20 minutes. We have no need for additional parking and therefore buying the the Maxwell – Maloney lot for parking would not make any sense. It would be great if anyone who visits this site would like to purchase the building or knows someone who might. Call us at 502-895-0689. Ask for me: Chris. I would be happy to show the building to interested buyers.
I wanted to post this so people could understand the series of events following Jim Conti purchasing the Maxwell – Maloney house. Jim Conti never asked for, applied for or in any way pursued a demolition permit until almost 3 years after the City of Louisville issued an Emergency Demolition notice. Jim Conti paid for interior framing that supported the 1st floor ceiling and the 2nd floor ceiling and roof structure to ensure there was not a collapse. It was because of Jim Conti paying for this and for the preservationists listed below that paid for the security fencing that the City allowed the Maxwell – Maloney house to stay standing while options for its salvation were pursued.
Jim Conti purchased the Maxwell – Maloney house on November 17th, 2002 and wanted to maintain the house and/or use it for offices for the family business in connection to his property next door, the Hill Top Theater.
The house had severely deteriorated while Mrs. Maloney lived there. The brick walls were pulling away from the interior structure, the staircase was no longer anchored to the wall at the top. Blue tarps held the ceiling plaster from falling.
On 4/03/2003 IPL created Property Maintenance Case 0143341 and issued an Emergency Order to Demolish stating 1755 Frankfort Avenue was an immediate threat to the lives and safety of the general public. Jim Conti never requested a demolition permit prior to the city issuing the Emergency demolition permit. After being served the Demolition Order, Jim Conti was preparing to raze the ‘Maxwell-Maloney’ house.
Through the encouragement of Joe Argabrite and Councilwoman Tina Ward-Pugh and the pleading of the neighborhood Jim Conti decided to spend a lot of money to reinforce the structure of the house. Patria Fielding & Virginia Forest, Leslie Barras & Kevin McAdams paid to have a temporary fence put up around the property to ensure the safety of the public. He was assessed fines for not tearing it down for almost 3 years giving preservationists the opportunity to save the house.
There was a great deal of discussion and many attempts to find the financing and means to save the house. In the end, saving the house was cost prohibitive. During this time Jim Conti and his family worked directly with the neighborhood and Joe Argabrite (Landmarks).
On 3/24/2006 IPL issued Wrecking Permit 72226. The house was razed following all of the appropriate rules and regulations.
Chronology of events:
11/17/02: Jim Conti purchased 1755 Frankfort Avenue from the Maloney Family
04/03/03: Property Maintenance Case #0143341
04/03/03: LB00719 Pg 0755 (County Clerk); Notice of Emergency Order to Demolish:
04/03/03 to 03/24/06 Almost 3 years: Options were explored for saving the house, the preservationists listed actively sought help, donations from anyone willing to step in and help buy the property.
03/24/06: Wrecking Permit # 72226
04/06/06: Civil Penalty Lien Affidavit (County Clerk) Lien amount: $1,398.00 for not having the building torn down in 2003.
To make sure you do not bring up any neighborhood bad feelings then I would hope you will leave alone what was one of our neighborhood landmarks, there is nothing left of it except the name and that is how it was referred to. I am very proud that my family is from Clifton and do not appreciate someone trying to change our histroy, enough of that has already been done. As I stated before the whole reason the new owners wanted the home knocked down was for a parking lot, Mr. Conti has denied this but in the meetings it was well known that a parking lot next to the Hilltop would make it much more lucritive when it was sold. All of that being said I am very pleased to hear about the new owners of the firehouse property, he seems to really respect the history of a building and a neighborhood and I think in this situation we can trust that he will make the most of the old firehouse and once again make it a gathering place for the community. While we miss seeing the fireman sitting outside and waving it will be nice to hopefully have patrons of a new establishment enjoying the corner of Pope and Frankfort…..I will just end with it is ashame that just two doors down what could have been a fabulous B&B or some other unique store is still just a field of weeds.
I offer this reply to Paula. Paula clearly acts as if she has the right to criticize the Conti family because she was / maybe still is a resident of the Clifton neighborhood. We have lived here since 1938 and when extended family is considered, we have lived in over 15 houses in the Clifton/Crescent Hill neighborhood since. Paula should not try to act as if the Conti family swooped in to exploit Clifton. We have owned the Hilltop since 1960.
Paula’s credibilty also suffers in that after looking at the sign in sheets for the neighborhood meeting that we sent out invitations for as well as the sign in sheets for tours and inspections of the Maxwell-Maloney house, the name Paula Nix cannot be found. This means she was not there. She did not attend the meetings that she claims to have been at and where she formed her psychic opinion as to what Jim Conti was thinking. I think there are a certain amount of people who are idiots. That is just my opinion. This Paula Nix person acting as if she were a part of a widespread “neighborhood” that harbored bad feelings was non existent. Paula in essence states that she felt bad for the Maloney family because they sold it to Jim Conti as if it had no other choice. The article below clearly states that another offer was made and was rejected(by the owner of a fabulous B & B). The article below chronicles the Maloney family demolishing buildings to provide parking. I wonder if Paula is going to condemn the Maloney family for destroying history to provide parking.
Paula states that she knows Jim Conti always intended to tear down the Maxwell Maloney house for parking. Does this Paula read palms, connect with spirits for a living? How does Paula know what anybody was thinking? Does Paula suggest that Bill Shreck and Metro Louisvilles’s IPL department were in collusion with Jim Conti to destroy the Maxwell Maloney house. Please Paula, say that. It would make a great lawsuit. If she will not say the government was an accomplice, her argument is truly ignorant and inflamatory. If she says the government was in collusion, she is alleging a conspiracy. Still ignorant.
The following information was taken from the clifton community council area of neighborhood link .com / Clifton / pages / 46594 presented in 2003.
The following paragraphs are taken word for word directly from the text written in the above referenced article. The article described the Maxwell Maloney house and the following text was a description of the Maxwell Maloney house as it passed from the Maxwell family to the Maloney family. This describes Mrs. Maloney buying the house and tearing down buildings including an outhouse, stables built in the 1800’s as well as an attached kitchen. Of course, we can never recover the history lost when these buildings were torn down to make the property more lucrative when it came time to selling them.
“Upon Harriet’s death in 1951, the home was sold to Elinor Fromang Maloney, who added for the first time plumbing, gas and electric utilities. The house became not only home for her and her two sons, Joe and Pat, but in the first few years, the Hilltop House Antiques Shop. Mrs. Maloney added an off street parking area in the rear of the house and removed several outbuildings, including dilapidated stables, an outhouse and a frame kitchen attached to the rear of the house.
In the fall of 2002, an offer was made to purchase the house by Mitch Osborne, owner of the Louisville Inn across the street but was rejected by one of the heirs. The house was subsequently sold to Jimmy Conti, owner of the old Hilltop Theater where he operates a novelty business. Conti’s plans are somewhat fluid, but demolition of both 1755 and the adjacent home (1753?) have been discussed for parking.”
Paula, I guess parking was important in the 50’s. What a shame the stables at the Maloney property and the attached kitchen were removed by the Maloneys so parking could be added with no regard to history. The Firehouse preserved their stables, why could’nt the Maloneys. It should be appalling to Paula that the Maloney family would rob the Clifton neighborhood of the history housed in the stable and attached kitchen that they callously torn down. Even though I personally like and am happy that the new owners of the Firehouse are going to renovate the property, I have to question where Paula draws her trust and confidence in the new owner. She is sure the new owner will respect the history of the Firehouse. The new owners have announced they plan to put a Pizzeria in the space. Paula, please explain how a Pizzeria honors and shows respect for a Firehouse? Paula needs to quit waxing poetic about properties / situations she has little knowlege of and start being part of the solution. Paula, what did you do to protest the phone company when they dug up the brick foundation at the back of the Firehouse to build their complex of phone servers? Paula, please detail the properties you have purchased and refurbished. You should buy the Victorian next to Genny’s. Did you make an offer? What did you think when they demolished the auto shop to create the parking lot next to the Irish Rover? Paula, do you want to buy the Hilltop? Do you want to buy the lot that the Maxwell Maloney house was located on? My Grandmother owned the house across the street from the Hilltop and the Maxwell-Maloney house. She sold it and it was torn down for parking and the outdoor deck that the Maido
restaraunt uses. How about you and me team up to protest that demolition this weekend together. I will do this if you show up.
Preservation does not know boundries. Paula seems to think that because she claims to be a resident of Clifton that somehow makes her possibly prosecutible, slanderous and just plain ignorant claims more prudent. Unfortunately, when not challenged, statements made by unbalanced people may be accepted as fact by the uninformed. I feel it is my duty to expose ignorance and therefore make the people who spew hate and misinformation scatter(like roaches when the light comes on)when their predesposed and misguided opinions are challenged.
Obviously, Paula is not going to like this post. I challenge Paula to present facts, quotes, etc to validate even one of her claims of personal knowlegde pertaining to any person in the Conti family. Please provide any evidence you have to support your claims. Please provide the dates and locations of the meetings you atteneded. Can you name the year? I challenge Paula to get 25 people to sign a document that states Jim Conti lied in public meetings and always intended to tear down the Maxwell – Maloney house.
I have come to realize that there are people who live in the shadows and contribute nothing but are always willing to spew hate. These people have been allowed to maintain their parasitic lives because the majority of people stay politically correct or simply treat the low lifes like the family member everyone has learned to politely avoid.
You try to give simpathy to losers until they insult you and then you respond.
From this day forward, I will respond.
My goodness Mr. Conti…. CHILL! I love Clifton and have lived in many places and this is one of the best…let’s all work together to keep it that way!
Here’s a wild idea: why not convert the Hilltop back into a theatre? I think that restoring this building back to it’s original configuration would make it a much more valuable asset to the community than just turning it in to more condos. Of course there would be challenges; having to compete with the larger venues closer to and farther away from downtown, making sure that there is enough interest from the neighborhood to make it financially successful, seeing if there is enough of the original structure left to even restore. But just think about the possibilities if the Hilltop was successfully restored and reopened! Young Clifton residents could enjoy the classic first date, dinner and a movie, in a beautiful, walkable, environment along one of Louisville’s most picturesque commercial avenues. There is actually great example of what the the Hilltop could become in the in the town of Blacksburg, Virginia, where I am currently attending college. In the town’s downtown area one can find the Lyric Theatre, a small stage and movie house built in the late 1920’s. Closed in 1989 due to the typical forces of scale and economics, the Lyric was restored and reopened in 1998 by a non-profit group and currently operates as a not-for-profit movie theatre and community center. I have seen everything from musical performances to documentaries in this beautiful building, I think that having a similarly scaled, neighborhood facility in an area as unique and diverse as Clifton could make living there that much more exciting.
Well, the neighboring property is a parking lot now.
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