Transportation Issues
- Japan building MagLev trains by 2025 (TreeHugger)
- Does transit cause crime or skeptics reacting to unknown? (StreetsBlog)
- Now that gas is cheap, people driving more (NY Times)
- England prepares for devastating economic effects of peak oil (TreeHugger)
- Neil Young to convert his 1959 Lincoln to 100MPG super-car (TreeHugger)
- Public infrastructure projects including rail promoted for economic stimulus (NY Times)
- Ford to invest $200 million in local plants (Metro Lou)
- Gets $180 million in incentives to do so (Business First)
- Will build a fuel-efficient car in Louisville (Fox 41)
- Local Ford employee featured on Obama commercial (SOTC)
- Six states petition for federal automaker support (Fox 41)
- Say the car companies are ‘special’ and need help (C-J)
Local News
- Cordish reviewing Metro Council’s contract changes for Center City (C-J)
- City to add chemicals to this winter’s salt treatment (Metro Lou)
- National economy a sinking ship (C-J)
- State deficit estimated at $294 million (Business First)
- Tax increases may be required (C-J)
- Local agencies cringing under looming cuts (C-J)
- Kindred Healthcare hurting in part from hurricanes (C-J)
- But PharMerica is making money (Business First)
- And California stem-cell company considering expanding here (Business First)
- And 150 new jobs being created in Southern Indiana (N & T)
- Ghost hunting occurs year round (Village Voice)
- Interview with Ghost Hunters Society founder (C-J)
- Some of these international projects are downright scary (BLDG Blog)