We had a chance today to check in with construction progress at the new arena and were pleasantly surprised at how high the structure has risen on its north end. This one seems never to disappoint as it is continuously humming with activity.

I’m going to leave it to the photos to explain the progress, but I wanted to note how the shape of the arena is beginning to really become apparent. In a photo after the click, a red line indicates where the front of the glass lobby wall will eventually be and a curving swoop indicated where a future fountain, landscaped bed, and amphitheater will be in the large outdoor plaza.
From our oblique aerial vantage point, the bowl of the arena seems very small, but the large scale of the project and yet undefined concrete edges can play tricks on the eye. On the north side of the construction site, plenty of scaffolding covers the entire facade and the “swooping” waterfall facade hasn’t yet become apparent.
Also of note, underneath the Second Street Bridge, crews were working today to demolish the last remnants of the floodwall. One piece of heavy machinery was delicately swinging a wrecking ball between the arena and a small concrete box, now shattered and ruined. A new “door-style” flood gate on hinges will soon be attached crossing Second Street.
After walking around the entire arena, I decided to check out the view from the riverfront. Seen below, it looks like the arena has pulled a disappearing trick. Imagine, though, if that giant concrete and steel behemoth weren’t there, instead replaced with a park and a great view of the new arena leaning towards the river’s edge. 8664.org says we can do it.

Fantastic photos of the arena!
Is there any way you can get over to PJCS and take some pics of the stadium expansion? You can pretty much walk right in on the Brown Forman side of the stadium.
I took some pics when they were installing the new video board and no one gave me any grief. I even walked down on the field and took some shots.
I would do it but my camera is on the fritz.
Keep up the great work and keep those arena shots coming.
I did get a chance to visit the PJCS construction site and it is moving along quickly. I will try to get the photos online very soon. If you ever find yourself in the area again, snap a photo and send it in and I will get it posted online to document to progress of the project.