River Madness
- Barges hit Sherman Minton Bridge at 5:00am today (Fox 41)
- Bridge closed for 3 hours until deemed safe (C-J)
- But barge company had trouble steering last year, too (Business First)
Power Line Disaster
- Abramson calls for burying power lines (C-J)
- Sends letter asking for “serious public discussion” (FatLip)
- But some say don’t hold your breath (Ville-Voice)
- Kentucky officially declared a “major disaster” (FatLip)
Local News
- It’s Thomas Edison’s 162nd birthday in Butchertown (BNA)
- Organization set to repair 1,000 homes in 1,000 days (Fox 41)
- Breaking: PVA finds home values fall around foreclosed properties (WFPL)
- 64 high-tech jobs could be headed for the city (Business First)
- UPS wins “Cargo Airline of the Year” award (Metro Lou)
- New Albany neighborhood forum set for Feb. 11 (NA Confidential)
- Anti-porn group targeting Clarksville theater (N & T)
- And the theater strikes back (NA Confidential)
Suburbia & Sustainability
- What’s the future of suburbia? Part 2 (NY Times via Planetizen)
- Can Kentucky every be green? (Biz Lex/Smiley Pete)
- Solar powered window blinds glow at night (Inhabit)
- How “green” is concrete? (Inhabit)
- Kentucky easing its way into Nuclear Power (C-J)
Transit & The Stimulus Bill
- Changing the notion of “profitability” of transit (Transport Politic)
- Amtrak could get left behind in stimulus bill (NY Times via Transport Politic)
- But the stimulus bill keeps getting bigger and bigger (NY Times)
- And noted urbanist warns against funding sprawl (SF Chronicle via Planetizen)
- And why building transit could be the greenest option (Nation via Planetizen)