Local Mobility
- Louisville taking over maintenance of state-controlled roads in Jefferson Co. (C-J)
- Bridge tolling authority still in jeopardy in Frankfort (C-J)
- Jeffersonville to meet with Big Four Ped. Bridge designers to work on approach concept (N & T)
- KFC offers to fill potholes for free, in exchange for a temporary street advert (Business First)
Cordish’s Bailout
- Metro Council & others upset over Mayor giving money to Cordish’s sports bar rehab (C-J)
- And local business owners say they can’t compete using their own money (WHAS 11)
- When the money was originally to redevelop the Starks Bldg. ground floor (Fox 41)
- And just because you can doesn’t mean you should (Valley Report)
Local News
- Butchertown getting serious about JBS Swift odors (Butchertown NA)
- Local veterans watching out for crime at Eastern Cemetery (Fox 41)
- Pondering adaptive reuse and downtown growth in New Albany (N & T)
Everything Else
- $25.3 million in stimulus funding for energy improvements coming to KY (Page One)
- Looks like Lexington’s mayor is causing a development mess (Transform Lex via Page One)
- Does providing a cheap car for the masses a bad urban-environmental idea? (StreetsBlog)
- And a photo gallery of Tata Motor’s ‘world’s cheapest car’ – the Nano (Dezeen)