- Another bike-rack-sculpture headed for 6th and Jefferson (Fatlip)
- Study: areas with more cyclists have fewer accidents (World Changing)
- Louisville holds on to bronze rating of bike friendly cities (LAC via P-zen)
- Save a bundle by taking mass transit instead of your car (Next American City)
- High Speed Rail to boost property value near hubs in cities, towns (Forbes via Infrastructurist)
- Help fix congestion by fixing auto-based subsidies, mileage tax (Next American City)
- Different Congressional takes on reforming the DOT here and here (Infrastructurist)
- Jazz Factory will be born again as ‘Jazzyblu’ on July 3 at Glassworks (V-V Eats)
- The changing face of Taylorsville Road’s old Gumbo-a-Go-Go (Whitewashed Windows)
- Swift to meet with neighbors about construction at its Story Ave. plant (C-J)
- That began without a building permit earlier this year (Broken Sidewalk)
- How has the U.S. fared since the 1950s in terms of energy? (hugeasscity)
- Should government end subsidies for home ownership? (City Journal via P-zen)
- South Korean pavillion monitors air quality across the city (Life Without Buildings)
- Religious buildings are picking up the ‘green’ architecture trend (TreeHugger)