![bs_66 (Branden Klayko / Broken Sidewalk)](http://brokensidewalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/bs_66.jpg)
- WHY Louisville’s Kin Ship gallery opens today (Consuming Lou)
- Ride of Silence to honor injured and killed cyclists on May 20 (Fuck Gas)
- Bike trails a growing trend in cities across the nation (Making Places)
- Five innovative bike infrastructure improvements worldwide (TreeHugger)
- It’s Bike to Work Day, and the news is telling us how to get out of a speeding ticket (WHAS 11)
- Ever wanted revenge on that speeding car in your neighborhood? (How We Drive)
- Hate your commute? Tell Congress and share your horror story (My Commute Sucks)
- Train technology has gone downhill in U.S. over last 100 years (Slate via How We Drive)
- National transportation policy could see major overhaul (WaPo via P-Zen)
- More on the tattoo parlor/motorcycle shop at City Block (Ville-Voice)
- Will neighborhood associations block attempts at going green? (NY Times)