Our last sidewalk photo was correctly identified by Justin Elliott and Jeff Noble as Sixth Street looking north towards St. Catherine at St. Louis Bertrand Church in the Limerick neighborhood. Nicely done. Here’s a new sidewalk photo awaiting identification in the comments.
Our survey to determine your choice for Best New Landmark of 2009 officially closed Wednesday at 5:00pm and the votes have been tallied. I’ll post the winning landmarks and our prize recipients Friday morning. Special thanks to Steve Wiser for helping put the contest together and providing the prizes! There’s been a lot of news, but here’s some of the most interesting stories.
These news roundups take more time than any other post I write regularly on Broken Sidewalk. In an effort to provide the most valuable information to readers, I would like to know what news matters to you and perhaps what doesn’t. Do the links posted here 2-3 times a week provide helpful information to you? What do you like and what should be added or cast aside? There will always be a news roundup, but I would like to streamline the process just a little bit. Your opinions in the comments, please.
Local News
- Colorful New Albany building causing a bit of a stir (NAC 1 and NAC 2)
- New book planned to highlight waterfront revitalization efforts (C-J)
- Next Car Free Happy Hour set for December 8 at Downtown BBC (CART)
- Informational open house for Louisville Loop set for December 10 (Metro Lou)
- Two New Albany businesses teaming up under one roof (NA Confidential)
- Bill Weyland received REACH award for commercial real estate (Biz First)
- Help still sought in finding hit-and-run pedestrian killer (Fox 41, C-J, Wave, more Fox)
- New bike racks coming to a street corner near you (Bike Louisville)
- West Louisville’s walkability target of new study (Biz First)
- Taking the fake-trolley-TARC slower than walking (CART)
- British campaign looks to change attitudes of biking among girls (StreetsBlog)
- More reasons to consider the Idaho Stop Law (Bicycle Law)
- Hybrid garbage trucks being tested in New York City (NY Times)
Everything Else
- Keeping Lou. Weird: A Latte Art Party (What’s Brewing)
- Found street art takes the form of a traffic sign (BrossArt Lou)
- Local mall operator files restructuring plan in bankruptcy court (WSJ)
- And a large Canadian company is getting out its checkbook (WSJ)
- New LED light bulbs shown to save a lot of energy (NY Times)
- More on those fancy roofs that change colors depending on temp (TreeHugger)
- And a few flickr photos of the day here and here and here.
Story Ave, just west of Adams/Spring.
Jeremy is correct. The building on the left houses the recently opened My Old Kentucky Homebrew which sells ingredients for malt-extract and all-grain brews as well as basic and advanced equipment, wine ingredients and equipment.
I can only speak for myself, but these news roundups are probably the most consistently useful things I read, online or off. I'm sure they do take tons of time to pull together, so I'd of course understand if you want to streamline them. But please know that your efforts are very much appreciated and all the information is generally extremely useful and/or interesting.
Thanks for the input, Joe. I am not going to discontinue the roundups but I wanted to make sure I was putting my time in the right spots. I find them valuable to list stories I would have liked to write about if I had unlimited time.
Are there any types of links you find more valuable than others?
thanks for putting up the Car-Free Happy Hour post!
That's my sidewalk! The building next to the home-brew is mine (with the fire bushes).
I'd love to echo the sentiment and say your time and effort is very much appreciated. This site keeps me connected to Louisville while I'm here in Pittsburgh. I don't have to spend all night when I get home digging for articles because you do it for me. I can't express how valueable Brokensidewalk is to me. Thanks Branden and all the BS contributors for the countless hours you give to all of us readers!