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Rainfall during the Great Flash Flood of 2009 (courtesy Metro Lou)
Rainfall during the Great Flash Flood of 2009. (Courtesy Metro Lou)

Wondering where the rain fell? Check out that giant red blob that represents about 7 inches of rainfall. Evidently, the storm got stuck in meteorological congestion and hovered over Louisville all day long. Should we build a highway to fix the weather congestion problem?

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Branden Klayko



    Wrath of God will be visited upon Louisville if it fails to immediately drive a stake through its beating heart. Note for the literal minded: by “stake” I mean “Super Sized Spagetti Junction”. And by “Heart” I mean “urban core”.

    If we don’t build the downtown bridge RIGHT NOW we’re all going to immediately starve to death because we’ll all be unemployed because there will be no economic activity because it is a well-known fact that Louisville is totally dependant on Southern Indianna and vice versa, and the three existing bridges are just totally weak, nobody uses them, instead they stay home.

    And die.