Congratulations to Rick for correctly identifying Friday’s sidewalk photo as Station Road in Anchorage looking towards Evergreen Road. Here’s a new photo ready for your guesses in the comments.
Local News
- U of L considering replacing coal boiler with landfill methane alternative (C-J)
- Wayside can’t open women’s shelter on Broadway until task force convenes (Wave 3)
- VA Hospital location decision could come by year’s end (Fox 41, Wave 3)
- Flood damage at Main Branch Library exceed $7 million (C-J, Fox 41, WFPL)
- Architectural historian to discuss Clarke & Loomis November 18 (Lou H & I)
- The arena has sprouted the beginnings of a roof (TwitPic via Twitter)
- Chronicles of a tourist in her own downtown (My Loueyville)
- Remembering Louis Brandeis in Louisville (C-J)
- 106 year old ice cream business in Clarksville closes doors (N & T)
- Kentucky is not a happy place according to Gallup-Healthways Index (Atlantic)
- Louisville Metro’s web site wins another award; third best in country (Biz First)
- A few more flickr photos of the day here and here and here.
- 17 new TARC buses to hit the streets with new design (WFPL, Fox 41)
- And one person’s experience riding the TARC for several years (louisville.com)
- New campaign looks to educate how bikes have the right to a full lane (F Gas)
- New traffic light uses flashing “yield turn” arrow (Fox 41)
Everything Else
- A look at some creative waterfront revitalizations from around the world (D-O)
- Interesting color video of city life in London in 1927 (Boing Boing)
- Amazing “public art” swing is in a very narrow spot in Toronto (TUFF via polis)
U of L’s boiler article link is broken and I don’t notice its existence in a cursory search of C-J. Do you have that news someplace else too?
I’m not sure why the C-J kills some of the links it sends through its RSS feed, Phlyingpenguin. I found a different link and updated the post, thanks for pointing out the problem. Just in case, here’s the link again here.
wild guess — Logan Street, between Kentucky and St. Catherine.