Well done Jeremy M., D. Jason Crowder, and Ryan for correctly identifying Friday’s sidewalk photo as Story Avenue at Adams and Spring Streets just in front of the My Old Kentucky Home Brew store in Butchertown. Thanks as well to those who offered input on the news roundup. Here’s a new photo ready to be identified in the comments.
Local News
- Preservationists band together in Floyd County (C-J)
- And some philosophical ideas about preservation & New Albany’s fire museum (NAC)
- Home of the Innocents first tenant at NA’s Cardinal Ritter House (N & T)
- Civil war monument headed to Frazier Museum after repairs (Lou H & I)
- Task force named to study zoning of homeless shelters (C-J, The Edit)
- Big changes planned for 160-acre Champions’ Park on River Road (C-J)
- Ray Parella’s restaurant will close on December 31 after 45 years (flickr)
- American cars companies will build efficient cars if incentives are there (Economist)
- Grayson County students power holiday lights by riding a bike (C-J)
- Really? An ‘I hate people on bikes’ facebook group? (Urban Velo)
- Trans reform means taking from motorists and giving to peds/cyclists (STL Urban Wkshp)
- We must build roads by considering what’s around them (citiwire)
- High Speed Rail to generate new jobs (DOT Fast Lane)
Everything Else
- Time lapse video of a shipping container building under construction (Boing Boing)
- McDonald’s undergoing a ‘green’ makeover in Germany (Spiegel via TreeHugger)
- Google takes street views to 19 World Heritage Sites (Open Culture)
- A review of a book about mega-regions & their applicability (Urbanophile)
- Cities must invest in strategies unique to their own character (Urbanophile)
- Feds consider funding urban parks to ‘rebuild cities’ (Gotham Gazette via P-zen)
- Slideshow: ten things that make a city green (TreeHugger)
- Gingerbread houses meet modern architecture (Core 77)
- And a few flickr photos of the day here and here and here.
Riverwalk at the corner of 31st and Northwestern Parkway
Portland Ave. (?) where the River Walk pops out into Portland.
I think it is called Montgomery Street at that point. North Western starts once you pass under that bridge at 31st Street. I rode through there last week with Tom Owen and Greg Fischer. We had a long conversation about the city’s efforts to put a bike/pedestrian crossing where there was once vehicular traffic on the K & I Terminal Railroad bridge. It is presently owned by Norfolk Southern which is resisting the idea.
I want to correct myself a bit. Michael is right. In looking at the perspective from which the picture is taken, it appears to be at what would be the corner of 31st and NW Parkway. The view is looking eastward along Montgomery Street toward 30th.
As I remember, the vehicular traffic on that bridge closed not long after I started driving. I remember driving across it one time and being terrified of driving on the iron grids through which one could see the Ohio River below.
Yup. That’s the Riverwalk on Montgomery St., near the corner of Northwestern and 31st. I remember riding my bike there when I was little. I live just a few blocks from there