Get ready, Indy. Possibility City is planning an invasion this Friday. We’re bringing lasers and we’re taking over your buildings. Seriously, that’s what’s happening. Louisville is invading Indianapolis armed with lasers. And when we’re through with Indy, we’re moving on to invade Chicago and beyond. It’s all going down during the Cardinals game Friday night when everyone will be distracted by a small orange ball. No one will see it coming (but we’ve already said too much).
You could call it government sanctioned light graffiti, but a cadre of Possibility City representatives, Convention & Visitors Bureau officials, and a team from local advertising firm Red7e will carry out one of the biggest publicity stunts ever. Termed “light tagging,” a powerful laser projection system will be beamed onto the facade of a large building near Lucas Oil Stadium and messages, images, and slogans “about why Louisville, and the Cardinals, are so great” will light up the night sky.
If you are planning on being in Indy Friday, stop by invasion headquarters in the parking lot of the Hurst Bean Company, 230 W. McCarty Street. U of L fans are encouraged to suggest messages for laser projection.
“This is a great way for us to leave a mark, albeit a temporary one, in Indianapolis,” Mayor Jerry Abramson said in a statement. “We want the people of Indianapolis to know that Louisville is a City of Possibilities, a city where a national championship is in the Cards.”
We think it’ll be more than just a temporary “mark.” Indy will get the message… of Possibility… and all cities will fear the Louisville Lasers as the Possibility City (and the Cardinals) goes for national conquest. Here’s an example of what the light display will look like as practiced in Rotterdam by the Graffiti Research Lab. Any suggestions for messages in the comments.
[…] the grand tradition of collegiate pranks, Louisville officials will be mounting an operaton to project its “Possibility City” logo on the sides of Indianapolis… using laser projectors. Sounds like a lot of fun. [UPDATE: The city of Indianapolis says No. What a […]