If you notice the the posting schedule diminished in the next week or two, please be patient. We’re making a few changes to Broken Sidewalk, that should, in the end, make the site even better. First of all, I am moving to New York City next week which will take time and adjustment. Don’t worry, Broken Sidewalk isn’t going anywhere. I will continue to write about Louisville from a distance and will have the help of several new contributors, correspondents, and guest posters who have expressed interest in adding to the site. We’ll introduce them as they begin writing. (If you would like to contribute, let us know at bs@brokensidewalk.com.)
This means your tips are now more important than ever. We’ve received quite a few tips in the past few days that we haven’t had time to get online yet. Rest assured, we’re looking into them and will add articles very soon. We really love getting photo-tips, too. If you see something going on around town, snap a cell phone photo or reach for your digital camera and send it to us at tips@brokensidewalk.com. Keep sending in any tips or questions you find, though, with or without photos.
Broken Sidewalk will soon look a little different, too, as we launch BS 2.0. We think the new format will be more readable and even more functional than before, so stay tuned. On that note, if you have any suggestions to improve the site, let us know. Tell us what you like and don’t like. (To the feed readers out there, we’re going back to the full feed by popular request.)
Lastly, tell us what you want to hear about on Broken Sidewalk. What stories would you like to read? We can’t promise we’ll get to every single one, but we’ll sure try. Thanks again for reading and stay tuned for some exciting changes; and don’t be alarmed if posting is slow for a short time.
> First of all, I am moving to New York City next week which will take time and adjustment.
Wah! 🙁
Louisville will miss your energy and enthusiasm for the community. Some folks are merely residents, but you were a citizen.
Good luck in NYC and hope you make it back here at some point. Glad we’re not losing the site too!
It’s sad to here that your leaving louisville. I just found out about this site and I think it is great. Don’t move to New York, I live in new york and I miss louisville all the time! I hope BS Sidewalks can handle your move. take care.
NOOOOOOOOOO! Don’t leave us! 🙁
If you don’t come back, we’ll come to NYC and get you. Thanks for providing the best blog in town; you’ll be sorely missed.
Best of luck in New York City. It’s an awesome town and I’m sure it will be a great experience. Broken Sidewalk has been great and a real tribute to your talent and passion.
I’m sick of my favorite bloggers moving to NYC. But, I’m really glad to be getting the full feed back because the website is really slow for some reason and I just can’t wait that long for my development news.
You will be missed.
This is sucking. You other BS folks out there, do something, dammit. Click the gorram mouse and post something. Or give me some privs and I’ll post something so you don’t lose your well-deserved audience.
In the meantime, Big, Big, Big4 bike/ped bridge meeting this Saturday: http://cartky.org/node/319
I’m a recent newcomer to your BS website and was enjoying it very much! I hope you continue your great work! Good luck in NY!!!!
is this website done for? kinda seems like it
I think we’re looking at an orphaned blog. Too bad, I was checking in every day.
Don’t be hatas! BS’s editor left a note on the Home page explaining the brief respite.
He’ll be baaaaack.
Broken Sidewalk will remain alive, well and active. Patience folks…