With Nulu gaining reputation as a top neighborhood for all things food, it seems a couple of chickens wanted to get in on the action. Last week, a rooster and a hen were found roaming the streets of Nulu, presumably looking for directions to CakeFlour.

Lori Beck and Tyler Trotter, owners of the Louisville Beer Store on East Market, found the hen wandering on Shelby Street and her rooster companion perched atop a bicycle behind the store. With one fell swoop, Lori and Tyler rescued the chickens and took one more bike thief off the streets.
We were alerted to the impending crisis via Twitter with a message that read, “Anyone know someone in NuLu that keeps chickens? They’ve lost their flock!” It seems in these dire times, even livestock isn’t immune to coop foreclosure.
Tyler Trotter says the chickens’ home still hasn’t been found, but neighbors are being notified. The birds are taking temporary shelter in the backyard of the Louisville Beer Store until further notice.
The so-called “urban chicken movement” has been gaining momentum across the country with the rising popularity of “locavores” raising their own food close to home. It is legal to have chickens in the city of Louisville, but it remains somewhat of an oddity around town. Having heard the familiar cluck from backyards on my own walks, it always is an unexpected surprise.
Do you raise chickens in the city? Are these your chickens? Want to know more about getting into the game? For more information on urban chickens, check out this On Point radio show or these resources here and here and here.
I raise hens in the block of East Washington behind the gardens at Electric Blue at Main and Campbell (Butchertown/Nulu). There has definitely been an influx in this neighborhood – from zero flocks to three – all in one city block in less than six months! They’re easy to care for, interesting to watch (very distinct personalities) and I’m no longer buying eggs at the grocery like a sucker!!!
A neighbor of mine here in the Highlands also has a nice little setup in their backyard for a few Rhode Island Reds. I often see the local kids checking them out.
We’ve been raising chickens for over a year now. We’ve got a nice coop set up in the backyard of our Baxter Ave. home. The neighbors love them. One of the children had his first word be ‘chicken’! We have another neighbor with bantam chickens. It’s not unusual at all anymore to hear a crow and some clucks!
This is cool to hear. I live in Old Louisville and used to raise chickens when I lived in a house on Floyd St. Now I live in an apartment and don’t have a yard. 🙁
Anyways, I’ve always wanted to meet other urban chicken keepers in Louisville, someone should plan a meetup. Either that or a chicken coop tour.
There’s a very small flock in a very well constructed yard & coop on Sycamore between N. Keats Ave & N. Jane Str in Clifton
As a neighbor to Mike’s brood, I can testify that it is such a pleasure to watch his chickens from my window when he lets them roam free in the fenced yard! I like hearing their gentle clucks. They are definately a welcome addition to the neighborhood. Thanks Mike!
Hey Mike…
Hey Mike…this is your neighborhood across the street. Todd Smith told me you had chickens in your yard. Cool! At first, I thought maybe these belonged to you…
Hmm… Those chickens look familiar.
Hey Larry,
Derek mentioned that Todd went to you recently…small world! No, these two were frequenting the beer store. Mine are bourbon and vodka drinkers…corn over hops. 😉