(Courtesy LEO Weekly)
(Courtesy LEO Weekly)
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A huge thanks is in order for all our loyal readers over the past three and a half years! Thanks to all of you, Broken Sidewalk has made the list of top local blogs in LEO Weekly‘s 2011 Readers’ Choice survey. This year we came in at number three (congrats to LouisvilleKY.com and Consuming Louisville for taking the top spots). I was genuinely surprised to have made the listing, but it’s a testament that Louisvillians are concerned with the future of their city. Thanks readers!

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  1. Thank you Mr. Klayko, for taking the time and putting the effort into giving us such a wonderful venue to voice our concerns. When I discovered this blog three years ago, it proved to be match that has since ignited my passion for the issues that face this city today. So thank you, sir, for helping me to discover where my true passion lies, and where I want my graduate studies (and eventually my career) to go.

  2. Branden, congratulations on your well deserved honor! Best of luck to you in the future!
