It’s been a relatively slow year for bike lanes in Louisville. So far this year, the city has opened only 1.2 miles of bike lanes—the set of new lanes on West Chestnut Street and Muhammad Ali Boulevard in Downtown and Russell. That brings the total mileage of Louisville bike-lane network to 32.6 (see map below).
Luckily, more lanes are in the works. We previously reported on a 1.4-stretch of bike lane running along Sixth Street from River Road to Zane Street—that project is moving forward after completing two public meetings. According to sources close to the project, the Sixth Street lane should be installed later this year or next Spring depending on weather.
Now, the city’s all-things-bike (and pedestrian) agency, Bike Louisville, is preparing to launch bike lanes on three more streets—12th Street, 13th Street, and West Kentucky Street. Those lanes could be built next year following two public meetings this month (details below).
An existing buffered bike lane on Kentucky Street will be extended west from Eighth Street to 12th Street where it will pick up with the northbound route. Between Eighth and Ninth streets, a six-foot-wide bike lane is accommodated by removing the center turn lane. From Ninth to 12th streets, a five-foot-wide bike lane with a two-foot buffer is planned.
Along 12th and 13th streets from Kentucky to Market streets, travel lanes will be narrowed to create room for a generous buffered bike lane—seven feet of bike lane and five feet of buffer. On 12th and 13th streets from Market to Rowan streets, sharrows will be installed.
Based on limited information available from Bike Louisville’s website, it’s unclear how the lanes will be configured since the city grid is interrupted in a couple of spots by the Beecher Terrace Homes and a street reconfiguration at Central High School. We highlighted all of 12th and 13th streets that run along a roadway in green above.

“The reconfigured cross-section improves safety for cyclists along the route and reduces the average vehicle speed within acceptable ranges of the posted speed limit,” Bike Louisville wrote in its project summary. “The excess pavement from the removed lane will be used to provide an additional buffer for cyclists by separating the bicycles from the vehicle travel lanes. This section of bike lane will improve connectivity by providing a direct link for cyclists between the River Walk multi-use trail and a future bike lane on Kentucky Street.”
Two public meetings are scheduled where plans will be presented. Both meetings will take place at TARC Headquarters on the first floor of Union Station at 1000 West Broadway at Tenth Street. The meeting dates are:
- Wednesday, October 21 from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
- Thursday, October 22 from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Additional information about traffic counts and other project details can be reviewed here.