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Let’s make our streets safe enough where this can happen, Louisville.

The usual New York City public space instigators at Improv Everywhere have staged a surprise crosswalk ballroom dancing performance right in the middle of a wide Manhattan avenue that lasts only as long as the walk signal. The event took place in one of the busiest intersections in the city, in front of Penn Station on 7th Avenue, and caused quite a scene for unsuspecting pedestrians.

According to Improv Everywhere:

Walking in New York City is very much like a dance. Between the tourists and the texters you find yourself weaving in and out of people, quickly darting from side to side. Busy crosswalks come with the additional pressure of racing against the clock, which only heightens the dance-like environment.

A crosswalk should not feel rushed with motorists bearing down on walkers already pressured by a too-short crossing time limit. A performance like this brings new meaning to the idea of street safety. As we mentioned yesterday, Louisville’s streets are three-times more deadly (in terms of fatality rate per 100,000 people) than those in New York City, according to a report by the World Resources Institute.

Improv Everywhere previously staged an impromptu carousel derby race, which we covered here.

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Branden Klayko