Crowds take to Frankfort Avenue during a CycLOUvia in 2014. (Courtesy Metro Louisville)
Crowds take to Frankfort Avenue during a CycLOUvia in 2014. (Courtesy Metro Louisville)
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If you plan on being anywhere near Clifton or Crescent Hill on Sunday, April 19th, do yourself a favor and throw away your car keys* and lace up your running shoes because from 2:00 to 6:00pm, Frankfort Avenue will again open its streets for CycLOUvia, Louisville’s popular open streets program that returns the city’s largest public spaces to the people.

The event will take place on a two-mile stretch between Stilz Avenue and Pope Street and will be open to bicycles, skateboards, strollers, kids, parents, grandparents, and anyone interested seeing what non-motorized, human-scale transportation looks like.

This year’s event marks the fifth CycLOUvia in the city, officially earning itself a spot on the list of “things to look forward to every year” alongside GonzoFest, Forecastle, and Waterfront Wednesdays.

“Our CycLOUvia events create an opportunity for citizens of all ages to experience Louisville in a new way by biking, walking, skateboarding or dancing in a car-free environment while promoting a healthy lifestyle and alternative transportation methods,” Mayor Greg Fischer said in a statement. “Tens of thousands have participated in past events and attendance continues to grow.”

If you ride the TARC, expect some routes to be modified during the event. If you’re a motorist, expect a few detours around the Frankfort Avenue corridor. If you walk or ride your bike, come on in! CycLOUvia is free and open to the public.

*Don’t actually throw away your car keys.

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Branden Klayko