4:15 p.m.: A Broken Sidewalk tipster has just pointed out that the construction trailer at the Museum Plaza site at the corner of 7th Street and Washington Street in Fort Nelson Park is coming down as we speak. It’s really not as bad as it sounds, though; Mortenson Construction is moving the white box just around the corner, behind the floodwall, and out of view to make way for some mysterious IdeaFestival event apparently taking place on the site. Now time for the really bad news.

If you were hoping to be the first to call the Museum Plaza home, you will have to settle for second. Upon removing the siding from the base of the trailer, the very first Museum Plaza Condo was discovered nestled under the trailer. While it may be quite cozy, this first residence is undoubtedly much cheaper than what you’ll be paying to live a little higher up.
The friendly staff at the Museum Plaza sales office just around the corner (Yes, despite rumors, the sales office is open) on Main Street told us not to fear, construction continues in the form of power-line burial, and come January or so, if financing finds its was to town, work on the actual tower will resume.
- Museum Plaza (Official Site)
- IdeaFestival (Official Site)
- Activity at the Museum Plaza Lot! (Broken Sidewalk)

I am a resident of Louisville currently living out of state. I have tried the phone number for the museum plaza to no avail. The question I have is, seriously is this bldg ever going to be built. I keep hearing it is stalled due to financial woes. Is this one of the points of interest the mayor has sent up to build up the infrastructure through the stimulus plan or is this just going to be another failed project in Louisville’s history.